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Two of the men Will recognized as discharged teamsters from Lew Simpson's train, and from his knowledge of their longstanding weakness he assumed, correctly, that he had thrust his head into a den of horsethieves.

One day Wynn came to me and said that he had positive information that five or six loads of bacon, for the Confederate army, would stop over night at a certain house about fifteen miles south of Plymouth, on the Washington road, and that the guard would consist of ten men besides the teamsters.

As I opened the door and stood staring, the teamsters jumped as if they had been shot. But Billy only turned a stolid white face on me. "My God, Mr. Stretton," he said, stolidly too, "what do you make of this?" All I could see from where I stood was a rigid hand, that had said death to me the second I opened the door. I gave a sort of spring forward.

In the pits and in the corral the merchants, teamsters, and hunters sweltered, while they anxiously gazed. Scattered in squads among the dips and hollows, the Indians uttered never a sound. Then they burst into a yell. They saw the nine horsemen bolting for the north. Aha! Several of the Indians had swooped in chase. No! They turned again. What did they fear? The cannon? Or a trap?

Changes in my staff The escort-A small train A gay cavalcade The blue-grass country War-time roads Valley of the Rockcastle Quarters for the night London Choice of routes Longstreet in the way A turn southward Williamsburg Meeting Burnside Fording the Cumberland Pine Mountain A hard pull Teamsters' chorus Big Creek Gap First view of East Tennessee Jacksboro A forty-mile trot Escape from unwelcome duty In command of Twenty-third Corps The army-supply problem Siege bread Starved beef Burnside's dinner to Sherman.

An hour later we were awakened by a great turmoil, and springing out of bed we picked our way nimbly among the ranks of snoring teamsters on the floor and got to the front windows of the long room. A glance revealed a strange spectacle, under the moonlight.

South Africa sent over thousands of them to recruit the labour battalions and they did excellent work as teamsters and in other capacities. The Cape Boy, however, is the exception to the native rule throughout the Union, which means that most native labour is unstable and discontented.

But though she had combed the town and the trails around the town, quietly interviewing all such teamsters and horsemen as might by any chance know something about it, yet in answer to her persistent inquiries all she had received was a blank shake of the head or an earnest expression of willingness to assist her.

When I got to the river the enemy was holding the bluffs surrounding the White House farm, having made no effort to penetrate General Abercrombie's line or do him other hurt than to throw a few shells among the teamsters there congregated. Next day Gregg's division crossed the Pamunkey dismounted, and Torbert's crossed mounted.

They were Kiowas and Comanches both; and had the caravan just about where they wanted it. The corral was completed; the caballada jostled in; the teamsters crawled here and there, to poke their guns through the wheels; in rode the skirmishers, Captain Bent last. The circling Indians pressed closer; and the cannon piece was yet useless, although the men yanked and slashed.