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The track of the osprey's talons was deeply marked; and by the direction in which the creature was scored, it was evident the bird had seized it from behind. The old hawks made a considerable noise while the fish was being carried away; but they soon gave up their squealing, and, once more hovering out over the river, sailed about with their eyes bent upon the water below.

In this park were a hundred lodges of our people, and before a fine lodge there sat the daughter of the chief. It was growing dark and chilly, but still she sat there looking at the river. The Sparrow-hawk was striking at the Wren with his beak and talons, when the Wren saw the young-woman and flew straight to her.

NOT the courage before witnesses, but anchorite and eagle courage, which not even a God any longer beholdeth? Cold souls, mules, the blind and the drunken, I do not call stout-hearted. He hath heart who knoweth fear, but VANQUISHETH it; who seeth the abyss, but with PRIDE. He who seeth the abyss, but with eagle's eyes, he who with eagle's talons GRASPETH the abyss: he hath courage.

But an eagle flew by overhead carrying in its talons a tortoise, and seeing the bald head of the poet beneath, which it mistook for a stone, the bird let fall its prey in order to break the shell of the tortoise. Thus were the days of poor Æschylus ended.

For nearly half-an-hour it went on manoevring in this way, when all at once it was seen to make a sudden turning in the air as it fixed its eyes upon some object in the grass. The next moment it glided diagonally towards the earth, and poising itself for a moment above the surface, rose again with a small green-coloured snake struggling in its talons.

The fierceness of this creature's countenance altogether discomposed me; though I stood at the further end of the table, above fifty foot off; and although my mistress held her fast for fear she might give a spring, and seize me in her talons. But it happened there was no danger; for the cat took not the least notice of me when my master placed me within three yards of her.

The captain made a sort of gasp. "Black Dog!" said he. "And who else?" returned the other, getting more at his ease. "Black Dog as ever was, come for to see his old shipmate, Billy, at the 'Admiral Benbow' Inn. Ah, Bill, Bill, we have seen a sight of times, us two, since I lost them two talons," holding up his mutilated hand.

He could spend hours in surveying its creeping progress, in moralizing over its mechanism. He despised it in joy he envied it in sorrow. Regarding it now as he lay along the sward its dull mass moving while it seemed motionless, the Athenian murmured to himself: 'The eagle dropped a stone from his talons, thinking to break thy shell: the stone crushed the head of a poet.

You were younger-looking, eighteen months since, in another land where the eagle screams less but tears its enemies more deeply with its talons!" "I was," answered Leslie, carried beyond himself. "I remember the Rue la Reynie Ogniard, and I acknowledge your fearful power, though I know not if it comes from heaven or hell! "So horribly hideous, you would say," broke in the sorceress.

She couldn't hire a coach-in-four by playing fast and loose with her husband! "And it's me you're talking to!" exclaimed Dolores, stepping forward with blood in her eyes. But she did not go far. For her "Granny's" clawed talons were upon her shoulder, pulling her back. "Into the cart with you! Your fish is weighed! No public scenes to-day! It's late, and they want their orders up in the Market!