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"When he returned from his expedition and learned the story of my mother's fate I was present as Tal Hajus told him; but never by the quiver of a muscle did he betray the slightest emotion; only he did not laugh as Tal Hajus gleefully described her death struggles.

"Why why, Lapierre told me." Again Big Lena laughed. "Yah, Lapierre tal ju, but, LeFroy, he don't know nuthin' 'bout no vhiskey-runners. Only him and Lapierre dos all de vhiskey-running in dis country. LeFroy, he tal me all 'bout das. He tak' das vhiskey up dere and he sell it to MacNair's Injuns, and MacNair shoot after him and kill two LeFroy's men.

ANTHONY. He had to go to Simla to look after a globetrotter relative of his a person with a title. Uncle or aunt. BLAYNE. And there he got engaged. No law prevents a man growing tired of a woman. ANTHONY. Except that he mustn't do it till the woman is tired of him. And the Herriott woman was not that. CURTISS. She may be now. Two months of Naini Tal work wonders.

"Should you, in recognition of your remarkable valor, ferocity, and prowess, be considered by Tal Hajus as worthy of his service you may be taken into the community and become a full-fledged Tharkian. Until we reach the headquarters of Tal Hajus it is the will of Lorquas Ptomel that you be accorded the respect your acts have earned you.

The Lord High Cockalorum at Nynee Tal, Sir Somebody Thingmajig, I am speaking of years ago did not like him, I believe; but nobody thought any the worse of him for this; and although he continued to be a Collector until the shades of evening, when all his contemporaries had retired into the Dreamland of Commissionerships, he still loved and was loved; and to the very last he read his French novels and quoted Horace, sitting peacefully on the bank while the stream of promotion rolled on, knowing well that it would roll on in omne ævum, and not caring a jot whether it did, or did not.

From the pass over this range a very fine view is obtainable. To the north the snowy range stretches, and between it and the pass lie 60 miles of mountain and valley. To the south are to be seen Bhim Tal, Sat Tal, and other lakes, nestling in the outer ranges, and, beyond the hills, the vast expanse of the plains. The Gagar range is well wooded.

"Now Goosal can tell you," said Tal, evidently pleased that he had, in a measure, solved the problem caused by the burning of the professor's map. "Goosal very old Indian. He know old stories legends very old." "Well, if he can tell us how to find the buried city of Kurzon and the the things in it," said Tom, "he's all right!"

Had to take them for only a month, however; and had to pay them in advance five hundred apiece." "I beg pardon," said Johnny softly, "for interrupting your pleasing tale; but the last item interested me. I do not know whether I quite heard it right." "Oh, shut up, Johnny," said Yank; "let the man tell his story. Of course he didn't have the money in his pocket. How did you get it, Tal?"

"And the melodies of Handel, are they tunes?" Lady Bar. "They are! They are!" Ips. "And the 'Russian Anthem, and the 'Marseillaise, and 'Ah, Perdona'?" Tal. "And 'Yankee Doodle'?" Lady Bar. "So that Sir Henry, who prided himself on his ignorance, has a wide field for its dominion." Tal. "All good violin players do like me; they prelude, not play tunes." Ips.

"Now is no time, Yolara, for one's own desires. This is my counsel. At the end of the three tal Lakla will come for our answer. Your men will be in ambush and they will slay her and her escort quickly with the Keth. But not till that is done must the three be slain and then quickly. With Lakla dead we shall go forth to the Silent Ones and I promise you that I will find the way to destroy them!"