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I knew one who was younger. CAPT. G. Then it couldn't have been Mrs. Herriott. She was old enough to have been your mother, dear. MRS. G. I remember now. Mrs. Scargill was talking about her at the Duffins' tennis, before you came for me, on Tuesday. Captain Mafflin said she was a 'dear old woman. Do you know, I think Mafflin is a very clumsy man with his feet.

Deegie's influence would have led them to take other men's wives. It ought to have made them afraid of the judgment of Providence. ANTHONY. Mrs. Herriott will make Gaddy afraid of something more than the judgment of Providence, I fancy. BLAYNE. Supposing things are as you say, he'll be a fool to face her. He'll sit tight at Simla.

Undoubtedly it was the most trying experience physically that I have ever been through. At Souastre I called at rear Battalion H.Q., where Capt. Herriott of B Company kindly lent me his rubber boots and some clean socks, a great luxury and comfort. Then I went on to the Officers' Hut at the battalion reserve camp, and was able to lie down and sleep till well on into the next day.

She wore a rose-colored gown, I noticed, cut low, with a string of pearls; and her sole escort was a staid, elderly, precise being, rather of the trusted family-lawyer type. "I haven't missed a word, Dunny," I assured my vis-a-vis. "I was just wondering if Huns and pirates had quite a neutral sound. You know I have to go via Rome to spend a week with Jack Herriott.

Never mind whether it would please me or not, you ought to have given it to me to read. CAPT. G. It comes to the same thing. You took it yourself. MRS. G. Yes, but if I hadn't taken it, you wouldn't have said a word. I think this Harriet Herriott it's like a name in a book is an interfering old Thing. Would you like to write and tell her so? She's seven thousand miles away.

I'll go down to my stateroom and stop there until we land in Italy; and, if you like, just to be on the safe side with such a desperado as I am, you can put a guard outside my door. But first, you'll send a sheaf of marconigrams for me in both directions. You're welcome to read them, of course, before they go. Then when we get to Naples, my friend, Mr. Herriott, will meet the steamer.

Herriott will lecture for hours on celestial mechanics and propound some fool theory about a hidden body, which doesn't exist, and its possible influence, which would be nil, on the inclination of the earth's axis.

Reaching the inner room in due course, I saluted three uniformed men who sat round an unimposing wooden table, exhibited the vise that Jack Herriott had secured for me at Genoa, and was welcomed to the land. Then I stepped forth on the platform, retrieved my porter and my baggage, and placed myself near the door to wait until the girl should come.

There'll be a shine in the tents of Kedar. CURTISS. 'Regiment cut up rough, think you? ANTHONY. 'Don't know anything about the Regiment. MACKESY. It is bigamy, then? ANTHONY. Maybe. Do you mean to say that you men have forgotten, or is there more charity in the world than I thought? DOONE. You don't look pretty when you are trying to keep a secret. You bloat. Explain. ANTHONY. Mrs. Herriott!

I knew a man who got squiffy at our Mess once and confided to me that he never helped his wife on to her horse without praying that she'd break her neck before she came back. All husbands aren't alike, you see. G. What on earth has that to do with my case? The man must ha' been mad, or his wife as bad as they make 'em. You've forgotten the tune when you were insane about the Herriott woman.