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We could not afford to lose any distance by dodging, so V. did the only thing possible he kept straight on. I raised my gun, aimed at the wicked-looking nose of the attacking craft, and met it with a barrage of bullets. These must have worried the Boche, for he swerved aside when a hundred and fifty yards distant, and did not flatten out until he was beneath the tail of our machine.

Lifting high his fine head and snorting with terror he rushed about, first this way and then that, frantically seeking a way out of this fog-filled field of dreadful pandemonium. Now he swerved in his course to avoid a charging squad, now he was turned aside by prone objects at sight of which he snorted fearfully.

Suddenly it swerved and turned in our direction. We stood there, a little breathless, to see what it would do. The engines of the plane droned higher as it came toward us. Suddenly Simpson clutched my arm and yelled: "Look out! he's trying to run us down." I ran wildly to one side of the field, not daring to look back but only trying to reach a place of safety.

"Most Serene Prince!" cried Marcantonio in agony, "I beseech thee leave me that gift which a gracious Senate once so generously bestowed! I have never swerved in loyalty though my heart was nigh to breaking that I might not grant her prayer!"

And bowing down unto them with mind and speech, with folded hands, she addressed them trembling, "Since I heard the speech of the swans, I chose the king of the Nishadhas as my lord. For the sake of truth, O, let the gods reveal him to me. And as in thought or word I have never swerved from him, O, let the gods, for the sake of that truth, reveal him to me.

He swerved quickly and stopped, facing the bigger man. "Harry," came sharply, "I know that I may be violating an unspoken promise to my father. But I simply can't stand it any longer. What happened here?" "We were mining for silver." "I don't mean that there was some sort of tragedy." Harry chuckled, in concealment, Fairchild thought, of something he did not want to tell him. "I should think so!

He set his back against a great principle. He never retreated an inch, he never yielded, he never conciliated, he was always an assailant, and no man and no body of men had the power to turn him. He had his dark hours, he felt bitterly the isolation of his position, but he never swerved.

In this opinion I then concurred with him, and from this opinion I have never once in my life swerved, up to this hour. A government of King, Lords, and Commons, so that the latter are fairly chosen by all the commons, would secure to us the full enjoyment of rational liberty.

Having arrived at his old distance to west, Moldau, like a repentant prodigal, and as if ashamed of his frolic, just over against the old point he swerved from, takes straight to northward again.

And then suddenly it happened the trees, just a yard or so from the fire, were thick together, tangled she bent her head quickly, instinctively, to avoid a low-hanging branch as he for the same reason swerved a little and their cheeks lay close-pressed against each other's, her hair sweeping his forehead, their lips mingling one another's breaths.