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But there are no such things as weeds; a weed is only a miracle in the wrong place.... Well shall we walk and moralise or remain here and make cat-cradle conversation?... You are looking at me very solemnly." "I was thinking " "What?" "That, perhaps, I never before knew a girl as well as I know you." "Not even Miss Suydam?" "Lord, no! I never dreamed of knowing her I mean her real self.

Austin was harsh and repellent when the least bit self-conscious, and now he was striving deliberately to heighten the effect. The physician wondered why Marmion Moore had gone even thus far in showing her gratitude, for she was not the self-sacrificing kind. As for a love match between two such opposite types, Suydam could not conceive of it.

A week, and not a single letter from the woman I loved.... The day before, Mrs. Suydam and her plumber affinity, for whom I felt myself and Hildreth and Penton largely responsible, in the example we had set the day before these two young people had committed suicide.

The letter of Colonel William Johnson to Master Nicholas Suydam in Paulus Hook must be delivered, and, taking up his oars, he rowed vigorously toward the hamlet on the Jersey shore. When he was about two-thirds of the way across he paused to look back again, but the air was so heavy with wintry mists that New York did not show at all.

He answered them in his own handwriting, which she had never seen. One day came the announcement that she was returning the first week in October. Already September was partly gone, so Austin decided to sail in a week. At his dictation Suydam wrote to her, saying that the strain of overwork had rendered a long vacation necessary.

Little Billy, as one of the boys grimly remarked, had concluded to remain at Manassas; Corporal Steele we had to leave at Fairfax Court-House, shot through the hip; Hunter and Suydam we had said good-by to that afternoon. "Tell Johnny Reb," says Hunter, lifting up the leather side-piece of the ambulance, "that I 'll be back again as soon as I get a new leg."

To him was given the little deck-cabin, large enough for a man to stretch out on the seat which ran round it; here, also the clergyman volunteer was presently permitted, and here too, thanks to passports vouch-safed by the chief of police, the chroniclers of the expedition, Mr. Suydam of the Brooklyn Eagle, and myself.

"My dear," she said, "Miss Suydam and I are going North very soon, and we are coming to see your mother at the first opportunity." "Mother expects you," said the girl simply. "I did not know that she knew Miss Suydam or cared to." Something in the gentle indifference of the words sent the conscious blood pulsing into Miss Palliser's cheeks. Then she said frankly: "Has Virginia been rude to you?"

As hostess she had but a moment to accord him, but during that moment she contrived to speak reassuringly of the Suydam genealogy, the art of landscape architecture, and impart a little special knowledge from her inexhaustible reserve, informing him that the name of her villa, Tsa-na Lah-ni, was Seminole, and meant "Yellow Butterfly."

Alone in the corridors she furtively glanced at the letter, kissed the edge of the envelope, rolled and tucked it away in her glove, and continued her flight in search of solitude. The vast hotel seemed lonely enough, but it evidently was too populous to suit Miss Suydam.