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If the bacteria gain the upper hand, this process of liquefaction which is characteristic of suppuration, extends into the surrounding tissues, the protective barrier of leucocytes is broken down, and the suppurative process spreads. A fresh accession of leucocytes, however, forms a new barrier, and eventually the spread is arrested, and the collection of pus so hemmed in constitutes an abscess.

He paused, and turning towards Father Dargeles, inquired: "Have you noted, Father, that the suppuration has completely disappeared, and that the skin is resuming its natural colour?" However, he did not wait for the reply, for just then Marie entered, followed by Pierre; and by her beaming radiance he immediately guessed what good-fortune was befalling him.

The affected muscle or articulation may be swollen, hot and tender. Pressing on the part with the hand or forcing the animal to move about may cause severe pain. Weakness and emaciation may occur in generalized and articular rheumatism, especially if suppuration takes place in the affected joint. The prognosis is more favorable in muscular rheumatism than in the articular form.

There are other experiments, that seem to demonstrate the existence of another passage to the bladder, besides that through the kidneys. Thus Dr. Morbor. Add to this, that in some morbid cases the urine has continued to pass, after the suppuration or total destruction of the kidneys; of which many instances are referred to in the Elem. Physiol. t. vii. p. 379. of Dr. Haller.

About noon Khamis, a merchant from Kasenge, bound for Ujiji, arrived, and kindly gave me a long needle to stir up the beetle in my ear; but the insect had gone in so far, and the swelling and suppuration of the wounds had so imbedded him, that no instrument could have done any good.

But he was not suffering from phthisis. He was dying of inflammation of the liver, contracted in Senegal. Very long and lank, he had a yellow face, with skin as dry and lifeless as parchment. The abscess which had formed in his liver had ended by breaking out externally, and amidst the continuous shivering of fever, vomiting, and delirium, suppuration was exhausting him.

In the course of a few hours the part becomes red and swollen; there is continuous pain, which soon assumes a throbbing character, particularly when the hand is dependent, and may be so severe as to prevent sleep, and the patient may feel generally out of sorts. If a constricting band is applied at this stage, the infection can usually be checked and the occurrence of suppuration prevented.

In cystitis, pyelitis, abscess of the kidney, suppuration in the bile-ducts or liver, and in many other abdominal conditions, it plays a most important part. The discharge from wounds infected by this organism has usually a fœtid, or even a fæcal odour, and often contains gases resulting from putrefaction.

Kirchner has collected 17 cases of this nature, two of which were due to contusions of the chest, one each to a puncture, a cut, and a shot-wound, and three to erosion from suppuration. In the remaining cases the account fails to assign a definite cause. Chylothorax, or chylous ascites, is generally a result of this injury.

These two cases settle the character of the lump, and the manner of the formation of the cyst; the lump being lung and lymph, cut out by suppuration, the cyst being organized, smoothed off by suppuration, friction, etc. Case 10. Killed. Hair looked badly; but the cow, it was said, ate, and appeared well.