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"May it be so," said the Canon, "that were a step to the undoing of a great wrong." "Mr. Scrivener will tell you, sir, that there was no justice in the eye of the law," said the Major. "Summum jus, summa injuria," quoted, sotto voce, Mr. Arden, a minor canon who, being well born, scholarly, scientific and gentlemanly, occupied a middle place between his colleagues and the grandees.

'This tree, he said presently, pointing to a noble beech, its bole engraven with a cross, 'marks the middle point of the ascent. A weary climb for the weak, but not without profit to him who thinks as he walks for, as our dear brother Marcus has said, in those verses we are never tired of repeating: "Semper difficili quaeruntur summa labore, Arctam semper habet vita beata viam."

It is in my conviction the best Summa Theologiae Evangelicae ever produced by a writer not miraculously inspired." Without questioning this verdict, we would include in the encomium some of his other writings, which possibly Coleridge never saw. Such as the Tracts contained in this volume.

His fame chiefly rests on the ablest treatise written in the Middle Ages, the "Summa Theologica," in which all the great questions in theology and philosophy are minutely discussed, in the most exhaustive manner. He took the side of the Realists, his object being to uphold Saint Augustine.

Summa, my old warden grew worse and worse; and though I visited him every morning and evening as I use to do to my sick in order to pray with him, and often observed that he had somewhat on his mind, nevertheless he could not disburthen himself of it, seeing that old Lizzie never left her post.

And from the beginning of the struggle this radical evil was and is the want of earnestness, of a firm purpose, and of a straight, vigorous policy by the administration. Paullatim summa petuntur may turn out true but for the rebels.

Another Englishman, Alexander of Hales, issued in his Summa Theologiæ the first effective reconciliation of Aristotelian metaphysic with Christian doctrine which his Paris pupils, Thomas Aquinas, the Italian, and Albert the Great, the German, were to work out in detail in the next generation.

In summa it is a vile business, if the gentlemen are all to be governed by one person. I hope to God his power will come soon to an end. Nevertheless," added Louis, "the gentlemen are all wide awake, for they trust the red fellow not a bit more than he deserves."

You didn't know I could chaffer Latin with the best of 'em, did you? Ah, but I can, even with the Rector, for all the nebulus and nebulum; only I don't trot it out too often. I'll show you a copy of the `Summa' when you come down to my room; but there aren't any confessors now, and dear Protestant Parkyn couldn't read the `Summa' if he had it; so there is no one to settle the case for her."

To the cardinal virtues he appends the virtutes adjunctae, Faith, Hope, and Charity, and again in his compendious work, Summa Theologiae, distinguishes them as infusae, the cardinal being considered as acquisitae.