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Pierre Huber's Les fourmis indigees, Geneve, 1861; Forel's Recherches sur les fourmis de la Suisse, Zurich, 1874, and J.T. Moggridge's Harvesting Ants and Trapdoor Spiders, London, 1873 and 1874, ought to be in the hands of every boy and girl.

"Where did you say that you were working?" he asked. "Cafe Suisse!" I said. It seemed to me that he had been on the point of entering my name in a small ledger, which he had produced from one of the drawers by his side, but my answer apparently electrified him. His eyes literally held mine. He stared at me steadily for several moments. "How long have you been there?" he asked.

Dunning's "stoup" what an infernal contrivance it is to get in and out at the door by, in a hotty-cold climate like ours! but, there we were, and I observed that my uncle hesitated. "Parlez au SUISSE," said I; "ten to one he is fresh from some Bally-this, or Bally-that."

In the "Revue Suisse" of April, 1845, there is a notice of the course of lectures to which reference is made in the above letter. "A numerous audience assembled on the 26th of March for the opening of a course by Professor Agassiz on the 'Plan of Creation. It is with an ever new pleasure that our public come together to listen to this savant, still so young and already so celebrated.

Abundant more examples of this kind, were it necessary, might be given, both from this very good observator, and from M. de Luc . [Footnote 23: Vid. Discours sur l'Histoire Naturelle de la Suisse, passim; but more particularly under the article of Route du Grindle wald

One would think a 'suisse' would have done; but we are swells now avec ce gaillard-la, only the tiptop is good enough. So, if you grace our poor old church with your presence you will be shown to your bench by a very splendid gentleman in black, in knee-breeches, with silver chains, with a three-cornered hat, who strikes with his stick three times as he seats you. Bah! ridiculous!"

"We have been looking at such a delightful old place, the Pension Suisse, and have taken rooms." "The Pension Suisse, eh? Why, that was where I was going to call. I know some people who are staying there. It seems a pleasant house; I'm glad you are going there, Polly. It's first-rate luck that the ships happen to be here just now. I can see you every day."

And they spent a couple of hours wandering about with Hortense, who was almost as well informed as the Suisse, till the brazen doors were open which admitted them to the royal vault.

Here she kept the viscount and their suisse until she deemed it probable that Neigh had passed by, when she returned with her companions and descended to the bottom. They emerged into the Rue Saint-Romain, whereupon a woman called from the opposite side of the way to their guide, stating that she had told the other English gentleman that the English lady had gone into the fleche.

At first he frequented the Académie Suisse, where he encountered as fellow-workers Pissarro and Guillaumin. He soon transferred his easel to the Beaux-Arts and became an admirer of Delacroix and Courbet.