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The aristocratic old head went up and the aristocratic old nose sniffed disdainfully, for though Eunice Embury was strong-willed, her aunt was equally so, and in a clash of opinions Miss Ames not infrequently won out. Eunice didn't sulk, that was not her nature; she turned back to her writing desk with an offended air, but with a smile as of one who tolerates the vagaries of an inferior.

But when we have put ourselves into His hands without reserve, immediately life begins to arrange itself. With such surrender there comes a peace which nothing else can bring. I say it with acute sympathy for all strong-willed, high-spirited people, for whom surrender is very difficult.

"But when two strong ones come in collision, how then?" "Why, like wild animals, fight it out, and discover which is the stronger." "A tournament of wills!" said Marjory. "I should hardly care to enter those lists, I think." The Countess laughed, and shook her head. She knew that among the strong-willed women Marjory was not to be reckoned.

Thereat An, yawning gently, looked to me and said, "A strong-willed fellow, isn't he, friend?" I hesitated a minute and then asked, "Was it WILL which turned that shaft?" She answered with simplicity, "Why, of course what else?"

In the second quarto only, we meet with the most characteristic speeches in which the strong-willed Laertes, unmindful of any future world, calls for revenge with every drop of his indignant blood: To Hell, allegiance! Vows, to the blackest devils! Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit!

She shall be no strong-willed reformer, standing alone: a sovereign lady with kind words for the world, who gives her hand only to that man whom she trusts, and keeps her heart and its secrets for me alone." She paid no heed to him other than by a deepening colour; the clock, however, grew tired of the long soliloquy, and broke in with an asthmatic warning as to the time of night.

A deeper scrutiny detected lines of suffering in that lovely face, and behind the veil of reserve, which pride forced her to wear, appeared the anguish of a strong-willed woman burdened by a heavy cross. No one would dare express pity or offer sympathy, for her whole air repelled it, and in her gloomy eyes sat scorn of herself mingled with defiance of the scorn of others.

The young girl gladly obeyed. There were times when Mrs. Arnot controlled her strong-willed husband in a manner that seemed scarcely to be reconciled with his dictatorial habits.

He was a very strong-willed man, and he hated outward trumpery." "Then it must be something that this man himself has dropped, unless it were a document, or any other token, missing from his lordship. And few things of that sort would last for twenty years almost." "Nineteen years the day after to-morrow," I answered, with a glance at my pocket-book. "I determined to be here on that very day.

You might fancy such a being falling on his knees before a strong-willed man, and beseeching him to take the reins of omnipotence out of his hands.