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His blue eyes look lak he love to kill us. "'Fall in! he says, an' we does. 'Go for'd, he says, an' we goes. "'Now' he says, wat's all dis about? "'Well, says Jack, 'I didn't staht no fight. I jes' goes into a saloon, peaceful like, an' a damn Limey says, pointin' to a British flag on dere own ship, 'You see dat flag? "'Aye, says Jack, 'an' still I don't see nuthin'.

Thass whut we brought him oveh faw: to staht him in them Thawntum Stakes. I reckon he'll have to do the bes' he know how." "Are you going to bet on him?" "Says which?" Shanghai showed a double row of glistening ivories. "No, indeedy! Hawss got to show me befo' I leggo my small change! This Faro, he can't seem to win no mile races, so the boss he thinks he might do betteh in a long one.

He stood at the new grave's foot, sank to one knee, wiped true tears from his eyes, pressed apart the evergreens and chrysanthemums piled there, and laid in the midst his own bruised and wilted offering of lilies. As he reached the graveyard gate in departing his mood lightened. "An' now gen'lemen," he said to himself, "is come to pa-ass the ve-y nick an' keno o' time faw a fresh staht.

I ain' gwine give you no staht! You'se wuss'n a gal!" "Why ain' you gwine give him no staht?" an indignant voice called, and, turning, he beheld Aunt Timmie leaning against the house complacently regarding them. "Of course you'll give him a start!" the Colonel thundered, thereby showing to what extent he had been reading during the past half hour.

Now eagerly she took her first quick survey of the room she knew so well. Her preoccupied maid was childishly questioning the busy Israel as he and the man out on the basement ladder removed bricks from the edges of the ragged opening between them. "Can't build solid ef you don't staht solid," she heard the old coachman say.

Don't you even tetch me; jes' gimme a li'l piller an' lemme go lay down on de flo' somewheres. Atter I drop off t' sleep, you kin tear de house down, and hit don't botha me none. Wen I wakes up, I be all right. "Well, de fust time I come home full o' likker she done ferget w'at I tell her, an' staht shovin' me.