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Updated: November 18, 2024

Go or st'y w'ere you are; I don't mind; I'm goin' to see that man and chuck this vitriol in his eyes. If you st'y I'll go alone; the niggers will likely knock me on the 'ead, and a fat lot you'll be the better! But there's one thing sure: I'll 'ear no more of your moonin' mullygrubbin' rot, and tyke it stryte." The captain took it with a blink and a gulp.

"But Mary is to help with the housework, in return for her board and clothes." "Let her wear a kep an' apron, then, an' eat wi' Marg'et." "Margaret might object," and I laughed at the probable dismay of our stalwart, rough-and-ready five-foot-tenner, should this ladyfied blonde permanently invade her domain. "Hoo lang's she gaun to st'y?" "That's more than I can tell you."

"What did the queer fellow want to go to Tahiti for?" I asked him. He regarded me a moment in the stolid way of seamen. "The blighter likes to live on bananas and breadfruit and that kind of truck," he replied. "The French won't let 'im st'y there. 'E's too bloomin' nyked. 'E's a nyture man. They chysed 'im out, and every steamer 'e tries to stow 'imself aw'y.

'D'you think we ought to st'y at 'ome and wash the dishes? He laughed with good-natured shrewdness. 'Well, if they'd leave it to us once or twice per'aps we'd understand a little more about the Woman Question. I know w'y my wife isn't here. It's because she knows I can't cook, and she's 'opin' I can talk to some purpose. Yuss, he acknowledged another possible view, 'yuss, maybe she's mistaken.

'We can't leave politics to the men, because politics have come into the home, and if the higher interests of the home are to be served, women must come into politics. 'That's a bad argument! 'Wot I always say is 'Can't change nature. Nature says 'Let 'er st'y at 'ome and mind 'er business! The interjections seemed to come all at once. The woman bent over the crowd.

'No, he pleaded, 'no, old man! don't do it. ''Ere now, said Huish, 'I'll give you my ultimytum. Go or st'y w'ere you are; I don't mind; I'm goin' to see that man and chuck this vitriol in his eyes. If you st'y I'll go alone; the niggers will likely knock me on the 'ead, and a fat lot you'll be the better!

The crowd liked that, and found themselves jeering at the interrupter as well as at the speaker. 'Why, you' he pointed at some one in the crowd 'you're like the man at 'Ammersmith this morning. 'E wus awskin' me, "'Ow would you like men to st'y at 'ome and do the fam'ly washin'?" I told 'im I wouldn't advise it. I 'ave too much respect fur' they waited while slyly he brought out 'me clo'es.

W'y, 'yn't Hi halmost learnt me letters off from bundle carts an' 'oardings? M, he, hay, t that spells 'beef. The bobby on hour beat, 'e told me, an' Hi 'yn't fergot a mite. T, haych, he, hay, t, r, he, spells 'show. 'E told me that, too. Hi 'yn't one as would st'y hignorant, Hi 'yn't." "Fer Gawd's sake!" said the officer, entirely nonplussed by this display of the girl's erudition.

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