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Doctor Ralph came in to tea and put his arm round Alice and kissed her, and Alice called him "Squiggles," and stood in the shelter of his arms for a moment with an expression of satisfied proprietorship. She HAD cried, Ann Veronica knew. There had been fusses and scenes dimly apprehended through half-open doors. She had heard Alice talking and crying at the same time, a painful noise.

As a net result she had come to think of all married people much as one thinks of insects that have lost their wings, and of her sisters as new hatched creatures who had scarcely for a moment had wings. She evolved a dim image of herself cooped up in a house under the benevolent shadow of Mr. Manning. Who knows? on the analogy of "Squiggles" she might come to call him "Mangles!"

The prettiest little squiggles of black looked at in the right light, and yet consider the blow they can give you upon the heart. It is like the opening of a pit just under your feet! So, too, Mr. Polly's happy sense of limitless resources was obliterated suddenly by a vision of this tracery: "298" instead of the he had come to regard as the fixed symbol of his affluence.

"Tell me what you think it is. Could it be a table of the elements?" They all turned to look. Mort Tranter stared at it for a moment. "Could be. If I only knew what those squiggles meant " That was right; he'd spent his time aboard the ship. "If you could read the numbers, would that help?" she asked, beginning to set down the Arabic digits and their Martian equivalents.

Off Greenwich, however, the breeze freshened somewhat, and a little later Miss Harris, looking somewhat pale as to complexion and untidy as to hair, came slowly on deck. "Where's the looking-glass?" she asked, as Ted hastened to greet her. "How does my hair look?" "All wavy," said the infatuated young man; "all little curls and squiggles. Come down in the cabin; there's a glass there."

And as tomorrows always had, tomorrow would take care of itself. Jimmy Holden's father and mother first met over an operating table, dressed in the white sterility that leaves only the eyes visible. She wielded the trephine that laid the patient's brain bare, he kept track of the patient's life by observing the squiggles on the roll of graph paper that emerged from his encephalograph.

There were dozens of cells in his impure culture, but only one seemed unfamiliar. It was a long, worm-like thing, sharpened at both ends, with the three separate nuclei that were typical of Martian life forms. Nearby were a host of little rodlike squiggles just too small to see clearly. Martian life! No Martian bug had ever proved harmful to men.

Still, during the last eight months, the Gondolier has been a radical bookstore devoted to bloody red pamphlets, a batik shop full of strange limp garments ornamented with decorative squiggles, and a Roumanian Restaurant called "The Brodska" whose menu seemed to consist almost entirely of old fish and maraschino cherries.

Off Greenwich, however, the breeze freshened somewhat, and a little later Miss Harris, looking somewhat pale as to complexion and untidy as to hair, came slowly on deck. "Where's the looking-glass?" she asked, as Ted hastened to greet her. "How does my hair look?" "All wavy," said the infatuated young man; "all little curls and squiggles. Come down in the cabin; there's a glass there."