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"I believe it was her opportune arrival that gave the gallant Sosa and his companions the chance to escape; because of course as soon as the Sakura was seen, the Russian gunners gave all their attention to her.

López de Sosa was all right. An excellent boy! Or anyone else. He did not have time to give to such matters. Other things occupied his attention. He accepted his future son-in-law, and for several evenings he stayed at home to lend a sort of patriarchal air to the family parties. Milita and her betrothed talked at one end of the drawing-room.

López de Sosa began to pay court to Milita, calling on his great resources, appearing every day in a different suit, coming every afternoon, sometimes in a carriage drawn by a dashing pair, sometimes in one of his cars. The fashionable youth won the favor of her mother, an important part. This was the kind of a husband for her daughter. No painter!

Made in Germany; sixty thousand francs. There isn't another one in Madrid." "Well, congratulations." And the artist shrugged his shoulders and went on painting. López de Sosa was wealthy. He had a coach-house of his own, where he kept his carriages and his automobiles which he showed to his friends with the satisfaction of an artist. It was his museum.

In this map the Straits of Magellan are called the Dragons-tail, and the Cape of Good Hope the Front of Africa, and so of the rest . I was informed by Francis de Sosa Tavares, that in the year 1528, Don Fernando, the king's eldest son, shewed him a map which had been made 120 years before, and was found in the study of Alcobaza, which exhibited all the navigation of the East Indies, with the cape of Bona Sperança, as in our latter maps; by which it appears that there was as much discovered, or more, in ancient times as now .

The barbarian, who feared all things, both from within and from without, forgetting that Don Alphonso de Sosa would have made war upon him in favour of the two baptized princes, hearkened to the propositions of peace, and even permitted the Father to explain to him the mysteries of the Christian faith.

On she went, until not only the searchlight but also Golden Hill fort was on her starboard quarter, and she had penetrated farther than any other Japanese ship had done since war was declared, when, having reached the point where the channel is narrowest, Sosa, her skipper, swung her athwart the fairway and, amid the cheers of his crew and the deafening explosions of guns and shells, coolly blew her bottom out and sank her, he and his crew just having time to scramble into their two boats as the steamer foundered.

Neither Chamuscado nor Espejo kept journals, but Castaño de Sosa, and especially Oñate, did. But the document itself is a sober, matter-of-fact record of occurrences and geographical details, interspersed with observations of more or less ethnological value. The diario forms the beginning of accurate knowledge of the region under consideration.

He performed the spiritual exercises for a month together, and never came out of his retirement, but to employ himself in works of charity in the hospital. There, for three months, he attended the sick, living in poverty, and begging his bread from door to door, even in the sight of James Sosa his kinsman, admiral of the fleet, which was rigging out for the Moluccas.

It was answered in the negative; and at the same moment the man of God, whose countenance commonly was cheerful, appeared extremely sad. The viceroy, Alphonso de Sosa, soon observed it; and knowing the cause of his affliction, asked the Father if he had any former knowledge that the child came not to catechism?