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He read it aloud, for some reason, his voice borne away faintly on the river of air: Here Lie The Earthly Remains Of MAYNARD KAIN, SECOND Born 1835 Died 1862 For the Preservation of the Union His gaze went on to another of those worn stones. This Monument Erected in His Memory By His Sorrowing Widow, Harriet Burnam Kain

Long stayed the messenger, and deeper grew his wonder that the Fairy could have left so fair a home, to toil in the dreary palace of his cruel master, and suffer cold and weariness, to give life and joy to the weak and sorrowing. When the Elves had promised they would come, he bade farewell to happy Fairy-Land, and flew sadly home.

Mary Louise had stood the test of being rich and beloved, and envied by all the daughters of Dorfield; and then of being poor and bereft, pitied by all who had formerly envied her. Soon after the death of her grandfather, Colonel Hathaway, had come the news of her husband's shipwreck. Hope of Danny Dexter's survival was finally abandoned by his sorrowing little wife and his many friends.

She still gazed with sorrowing love at the pale and melancholy face of her daughter-in-law. "You have made a convert of my mother," said the Archduchess Christina one day to Isabella, "although," added she, laughing, "you never looked better in your life." "And you, Christina, you do not believe?" said Isabella, putting her arm around Christina's neck.

For other state affairs, I shall attend to them myself, and I do not think that I will ever delegate my power a second time. You had best inform Joseph of my resumption of the throne, and let the Frau Josepha also be advised that she is no longer reigning empress of Austria. For me, I must always remain at heart a sorrowing widow.

Happy is the married woman of foreign birth who can say to her husband, as Andromache said to Hector, after enumerating all the dear relatives she had lost, "'Yet while my hector still survives, I see My father, mother, brethren, all in thee! "How many a sorrowing wife, exiled from her native country, dreams of the mother she shall see no more!

But the figure of the old grandmother was the most remarkable of the sorrowing group. Seated on her accustomed chair, with her usual air of apathy, and want of interest in what surrounded her, she seemed every now and then mechanically to resume the motion of twirling her spindle; then to look towards her bosom for the distaff, although both had been laid aside.

The smile that hovered about the coral lips, yet redder as they seemed by force of contrast with the even teeth, was the smile of some sorrowing angel. Lucien's hands denoted race; they were shapely hands; hands that men obey at a sign, and women love to kiss. Lucien was slender and of middle height.

There is true Christian philosophy in the beautiful poetry of Bryant, "Oh, deem not they are blest alone Whose lives an even tenor keep. For God, who pities man, hath shown A blessing for the eyes that weep. "For God has marked each sorrowing day And numbered every secret tear, And heaven's long age of bliss shall pay For all his children suffer here."

And again, when I read this little parchment of mine, and remember other like things that have been told to me, and see how they all speak of death as a relief to the sorrowing, and of another life in which the down trodden and the captive shall be recompensed for what they have suffered here, and know that I am one of those who need such recompense then I think that perhaps the only true God is the God of the Christians.