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You sometimes hear some bar-room comedian and booze recitationist, who draws a hamfatter's salary in a continuous vaudeville, declare to half drunken listeners that there are good women on the stage. So there are some. But they are so rare that when they are found they shine like the jewel in the Ethiop's ear.

He could not bear the midshipmen, because, he said, they cheated him out of his best cigars and made him give them a dinner when he did not wish for their company. This was, strange to say, sometimes the case.

The directors of some of those banks sometimes took advantage of this optional clause, and sometimes threatened those who demanded gold and silver in exchange for a considerable number of their notes, that they would take advantage of it, unless such demanders would content themselves with a part of what they demanded.

Therefore he would buy thus, and the sooner be a director. He liked to think of that position in his moments of lesser exaltation. He recalled his child-self sitting beside his father on the seat of an express wagon. It was queer how life turned out sometimes you couldn't get away from a thing. Maybe he would always be a director; still he could go into baseball, too.

She was certainly at that time a beautiful girl very beautiful, handsome in the outline of her face, graceful and dignified in her mien, nay, sometimes almost majestic a Juno rather than a Venus. But any Paris who might reject her, awed by the rigour of her dignity, would know at the time that he was wrong in his judgment. She was tall, but not so tall as to be unfeminine in her height.

Another feature of those early times, a lively and bright feature in many respects, was the considerable number of young men, the younger sons of good families and, for that matter, the elder sometimes along with the younger who flocked out, in unusual proportion, I might say, and who infused into the somewhat rough social scene the charm of high culture and manners.

I will endeavour to describe the way in which Narnee, a noble young chief, sometimes performed this feat for my particular gratification; but his preliminary performances must also be recorded.

If he made poor provision for them sometimes, though they might not feel satisfied, they never turned against him. The barn was very old. The chemical action of the elements had first rotted away the shingles at the points where the nails pinned them to the roof; and, thus loosened, the winds of many years had dislodged and scattered them.

As long as my husband or myself stayed in or around the barn we did not have trouble with these darkies but sometimes it to attend to other matters on this farm and had to leave a hired negro in charge and as soon as we would get out of sight of the barn the negro would desert his post. It became evident that one or the other of us stay at this barn night and day until firing season was over.

It is difficult sometimes to tell which is worse, the too little or the too much: but she did not make any reply. "But I am glad it does not make any difference to have us to-night; that is, if you meant me to come? or perhaps it was only the two gentlemen? I see now: to be sure, two gentlemen is no party; they need not even come back to the drawing-room at all.