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I am su'prised at a lady like you, chock full o' moral science and political economy, wanting to put a poor man off. Where's your wages fund? Where's your remuneratory capital?" "Don't you give him anything, ma'am," said the inspector. "The money he's had from the lady will pay him very well. Move on here, or we'll precious soon hurry you." "Very well," grumbled Smilash.

Miss Wilson, ignoring the invitation, took a shilling from her purse. "No, lady," said Smilash with a virtuous air. "I am an honest man and have never seen the inside of a jail except four times, and only twice for stealing. Your youngest daughter her with the expressive hi have paid me far beyond what is proper."

Smilash had immediately promised to dilapidate it to its former state at the end of the year. He had put up a board at the gate with an inscription copied from some printed cards which he presented to persons who happened to converse with him. PAINTER, DECORATOR, GLAZIER, PLUMBER & GARDENER. Pianofortes tuned. Domestic engineering in all its Branches. Families waited upon at table or otherwise.

Jane suggested dragging the canal, but was silenced by an indignant "sh-sh-sh," accompanied by apprehensive and sympathetic glances at the bereaved parents. She was displaced from the focus of attention by the appearance of the two policemen who had been sent to the chalet. Smilash was between them, apparently a prisoner.

"I cannot employ you without a character," said Miss Wilson, amused by his scrap of Euclid, and wondering where he had picked it up. "I bear the best of characters, lady. The reverend rector has known me from a boy." "I was speaking to him about you yesterday," said Miss Wilson, looking hard at him, "and he says you are a perfect stranger to him." "Gentlemen is so forgetful," said Smilash sadly.

"That man lives here," whispered Miss Wilson, "and I suppose he wants to get rid of us." "H'm!" said Fairholme. Then, turning to the strange laborer with the air of a person not to be trifled with, he raised his voice, and said: "You live here, do you, my man?" "I do, sir, by your good leave, if I may make so bold." "What's your name?" "Jeff Smilash, sir, at your service."

Excuse my saying that the principles of the Church of England, however excellent, are not those your prospectus led me to hope for. Your plan is coercion, stark and simple." "I do not admit it," said Miss Wilson, ready to argue, even with Smilash, in defence of her system.

They landed on a wharf, and went through an unswept, deeply-rutted lane up to the main street of Lyvern. Here he became Smilash again, walking deferentially a little before her, as if she had hired him to point out the way. She then saw that her last opportunity of appealing to him had gone by, and she nearly burst into tears at the thought.

Have you any statement to make with reference to the lady that was last seen in your company?" "Take a statement about a lady!" said Smilash indignantly. "Far be the thought from my mind!" "What have you done with her?" said Agatha, impetuously. "Don't be silly."

And Wickens, with a smile expressive of his sense of having retorted effectively upon the parson, nodded and walked away. Just then Agatha, skating hand in hand with Jane Carpenter, heard these words in her ear: "I have something very funny to tell you. Don't look round." She recognized the voice of Smilash and obeyed.