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He dominates art, religion, and folklore, yet he is the reverse of a polyhistor or of a mere collecting and classifying spirit; for he constructs with the collected material, and breathes life into it, and is a Simplifier of the Universe.

It is also a simplifier; it teaches us to know how little we really require in daily life, and how many of the environments with which men and women hamper themselves are superfluous and the fruit of idleness. "I have nothing to do," said Barlasch, "I will cook a careful dinner. All that I have saved in money I cannot carry away; all that was stored beneath the floor must be left there.

Her body seemed drugged with the loveliness of the night, with fatigue, with him, with the immediacy of him, but her mind was racing as it does in dreams. Nature was not, of course, the gentle sentimentalist Graham was talking about, but one did get something out of close communion with her. A sense of fundamentals. She was a simplifier of ideas. Plain and straightforward even in her enchantments.

'Oh? poor Rosamond! Poor, poor Rosamond! 'Is she to be so greatly pitied! She has been saved much suffering! Then as Bridget went on murmuring, 'Oh, poor Rosamond, she did love life, he added gently. 'Life can be very cruel.... I myself have had cause for gratitude to Death, the great Simplifier. If my wife had lived she must have been a hopeless invalid doomed to continual pain.

That is why he is a simplifier of the universe; for the simplification of the universe is only possible to him whose eye has been able to master the immensity and wildness of an apparent chaos, and to relate and unite those things which before had lain hopelessly asunder.

Blessed be that simplifier, from whatever country he may come, but all the same, I should prefer him, at the bottom of my heart, to speak French. Once more, he intervenes within me who first showed himself to me as the specter of evil, he who guided me through hell.

In short, art reveals nature by interpreting its intentions and formulating its desires. Every ideal is the key of a long enigma. The great artist is the simplifier. Every man is a tamer of wild beasts, and these wild beasts are his passions.

He is a great simplifier of details, and a strong leveller of obstructions, so that his successor in the pontificate will find it a comparatively easy thing to keep the mechanism in order in its present state. The strictest economy, even to the minutest details, is practised in the Vatican.