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They compel him to keep secret his researches which therefore end in failure; whereas the simplest suggestion, coming from a brain less absorbed in the fundamental idea, sometimes suffices to fertilize the invention and make it practical. Like all State control, patents hamper the progress of industry.

They go astray nowadays in ance and ence; also in seperate and irresistable, and in the past participles of verbs ending in it. The simplest and best way to cure a case of weak spelling is to hand the dictionary to some wise friend, and ask him or her to question you.

So complex is the idea of even the simplest Town even in such a rustic germ as the "farm-town" of modern Scottish parlance, the ton of place-names without number. The varying development of the Folk into social classes or castes night next be traced, and the influence and interaction of all the various factors of Place, Work, and Family tabulated.

Surely she was not its author; it is she who said she burned almost the whole original draft of Françoise's "Voyage," because it was "in the way and smelt bad." Neither could Françoise have written it. Her awkward handwriting, her sparkling flood of words and details, and her ignorance of the simplest rules of spelling, make it impossible. Nor could Suzanne have done it.

'I should still believe there were such. Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner, you know. He brightened at this. 'You are a friend, Wilfrid! What a strange condition mine is! for ever feeling I could do this and that difficult thing, were it to fall in my way, and yet constantly failing in the simplest duties even to that of common politeness. I behaved like a brute to Home.

"So far good," thought I; "I shall now insert the measuring-stick, and find my diameter." I rose to my feet to carry out this design, but I need not describe the mortification I felt on perceiving that the first of these operations, which would appear to be the simplest of all, could not be performed. At the first trial I saw that it was quite impossible.

Never oblivious of himself, he could not utter the simplest phrase of admiration without criticising its justice, its tone. And at present it behoved him to bear in mind that he was conversing with no half-bred sciolist.

I know nothing that more appropriately expresses this, than the phrase, "the struggle for existence "; because it brings before your minds, in a vivid sort of way, some of the simplest possible circumstances connected with it.

It is perhaps simplest to say that she is a friend to the children and that she studies how to help them. That means a great deal. The plan is elastic and each visitor chooses her own methods. Doubtless many librarians listened to Mr.

He, too, was aiming at an art as clean and hard and powerful as Nicky's, as naked of all blazonry and decoration, an art which would attain its objective by the simplest, most perfect adjustment of means to ends. And Anthony was proud of that hidden wonder locked behind the door of the workshop in the orchard. He realized that his son Nicholas had taken part in a great and important thing.