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Dickens knows that the man who works the worst tragedies is the man who feels comic; as for example, Mr. Quilp. The French Revolution was a much simpler world than Carlyle could understand; for Carlyle was subtle and not simple. Dickens could understand it, for he was simple and not subtle.

They propose the same remedies: a return to simpler manners, and stricter laws, with the best men in the State to regulate and administer them. Philosophers, says Plato, are to be made guardians, and they are to govern, not for gain or glory, but for the common weal. They need not be happy in the ordinary sense, for there is a higher than selfish happiness, the love of the good.

His manners and whole aspect are very particularly plain, though not affectedly so; but it seems as if in the decline of life, and the security of his position, he had put off whatever artificial polish he may have heretofore had, and resumed the simpler habits and deportment of his early New England breeding.

Far be it from me to censure that natural and spontaneous courtesy which is a characteristic of the whole people. The more I see of the Swedes, the more I am convinced that there is no kinder, simpler, and honester people in the world. With a liberal common school system, a fairer representation, and release from the burden of a state church, they would develop rapidly and nobly.

Or has this feast of reason taken away your appetite for simpler fare?" "If you mean, am I ready to go with you to Madame de Courcelles' yes." "A la bonne heure!" "But you are not going away without taking leave of Madame Rachel?" "Unquestionably. Leave-taking is a custom more honored in the breach than the observance." "But isn't that very impolite?" "Ingénu!

'Who is here? 'Why, Esteban Larralde, of course. 'Ah! said Concha patiently. 'But need we for that hide behind the bushes and walk on the flower borders? Life would be much simpler, senora, if people would only keep to the footpath. Less picturesque, I allow you, but simpler. Shall I climb up a tree? The lady cast her eyes up to heaven and heaved an exaggerated sigh.

The meat was packed in huge open receptacles which were flooded just before blastoff; before the meat had any chance to spoil, the lock was opened, the air fled into space and the compartment's heat radiated outward. The water froze solid, preserving the meat. It was just as efficient as building elaborate refrigeration coils, and a good deal simpler.

Finding that these simpler methods did not avail, the sorrel began a little more aggressive bucking, fore and aft, "sun-fishing" and "weaving," and once or twice rearing up so straight that Wilbur was afraid the sorrel would fall over backwards on him, and he had heard of riders being killed that way.

The seemingly ample size of the Gracchan allotments, some of which were three times as great as the larger of the colonial assignments of earlier days, pointed to the possibility of the support of a large family, if the simpler needs of life were alone considered.

This marks the point where the stereotype and the facts, that cannot be ignored, definitely part company. There is always such a point, because our images of how things behave are simpler and more fixed than the ebb and flow of affairs. There comes a time, therefore, when the blind spots come from the edge of vision into the center.