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He is not as some other sahibs, but a man who opens both ears and his heart, and when I knocked on his door he opened it and recognized me. "'Well? said he. 'Why not come and see me in the morning? "'Sahib, said I, 'for the sake of El-Arish, let me in quickly, and close the door! "So he did, wondering and not pleased to be disturbed by a Sikh at such an hour.

"My party can start off with this man and our answer, if your answer is no. If your answer is yes, then the Sikh can bear that answer for us." "You would none of you ride half a mile alive!" laughed Alwa. "I none the less require an answer, Alwa-sahib." Alwa stared hard at him. That was the kind of talk that went straight to his soldier heart.

Men, half soldiers, half civilians, and known in India under the curious misnomer of Political Officers, a class to whom the British Empire owes an overwhelming debt were scattered here and there, hundreds of miles apart, and in the name of the Sikh Durbar practically ruled and administered provinces as large as Ireland or Scotland.

I knew of nothing more to say to encourage them, and after a time their depression began to affect me also. Rather than watch them, I watched the water, and more than once I saw something I did not recognize, that nevertheless caused my skin to tingle and my breath to come in jerks. Sikh eyes are keen.

When the fever abated, she melted into the landscape; and Roy had just enough of his old spirit left in him to murmur, 'Shahbash! in a husky voice: and Azim Khan, inflated with pride, became more autocratic than ever. The other bearded face had resolved itself into the Delhi Sikh, Jiwán Singh.

Nothing betrayed Nikhil's loss of the divine gift of imagination more conclusively than his reply to me. "During the Mussulman domination," he said, "the Maratha and the Sikh asked for fruit from the arms which they themselves took up.

Carey's scheme so early as 1810 included not only the capital of the Great Mogul, Surat far to the west, and Maratha Nagpoor to the south, but Lahore, where Ranjeet Singh had consolidated the Sikh power, Kashmeer, and even Afghanistan to which he had sent the Pushtoo Bible. To set Chamberlain free for this enterprise he sent his second son William to relieve him as missionary in charge of Cutwa.

"Why should a Sikh not marry a white woman?" There, again, you are up against a side of the subject that is neither violet water nor pink tea; but it is a vital side of the subject. For the same reason that the South objects to and passes laws against mixed unions of the races. These laws are not the registration of prejudice. They are the registration of terrible lessons in experience.

"You are a Sikh?" said the gray-eyed man; and the crowd drew in its breath, for he spoke Hindustani with an accent that very few achieve, even with long practise. "Then you are of a brave nation you will understand me. The Sikhs are a martial race. Their theory of politics is based on the military spirit is it not so?"

And if they do not strike at the French, said he, 'the French will not appeal to the British for aid; and so the British troops will be free to protect the Jews and butcher us, by which means we shall be worse off than before. "Whereat Yussuf Dakmar laughed again. 'If ye will go to the Sikh hospital, said he, 'ye will find there the man who brought the letter.