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Rhoda Vivian had brown hair with sparkles of gold in it and flakes of red fire; her eyes were liquid grey, the grey of water; her lips were full, and they pouted a little proudly; it was the pride of life. And she had other gifts which did not yet appear at St. Sidwell's.

Suspicion of self-interest could not but attach to him; that was inherent in the circumstances. He must rely upon the sincerity of his passion, which indeed was beginning to rack and rend him. A woman is sensitive to that, especially a woman of Sidwell's refinement. In matters of the intellect she may be misled, but she cannot mistake quivering ardour for design simulating love.

Peak have the famous view from the gate; then go on towards Silverton, for the sake of the reversed prospect from the Exe. Who shall be of the party? It was decided that four only should occupy the vehicle, Miss Moorhouse and Fanny Warricombe to be the two ladies. Godwin regretted Sidwell's omission, but the friendly informality of the arrangement delighted him.

Sidwell's face flushed, although he was quite sober now. "And I must still refuse," he said, rising. "Moreover, I must request that you leave the room. You forget that you are in my home!" Ben arose calmly and walked to the door through which he had entered. The key was in the lock, and turning it he put it in his pocket. Still without haste he returned to his seat.

What, after all, had she done for that innocent whom she had made her friend? She had taken everything from her. She had promised to keep her place for her at St. Sidwell's and was monopolising it herself. Worse than that, she had given her a friend with one hand and snatched him from her with the other.

But she owned its truth; she saw it now, the thing they all had seen, that she only could not see. She had sinned the sin of sins, the sin of youth in middle-age. Now it was not imagination in Miss Quincey, so much as the tradition of St. Sidwell's, that gave her innocent affection the proportions of a crime.

With a little haste and discretion he managed to overtake her before she had gone very far. He stopped to give his verdict on her friend. She had expected him. "Well," she asked, "it is overwork, isn't it?" "Very much overwork; and no wonder. I knew she was a St. Sidwell's woman as soon as I saw her." "That was clever of you. And do you always know a St. Sidwell's woman when you see one?"

She hesitated, watching his face. 'You think I have chosen well? said Godwin, meeting her look. Sidwell's eyes were at once averted. 'I hope, she said, 'we may talk of that again very soon. You have told me much of yourself, but I have said little or nothing of my own difficulties. It won't be long before we come back from London, and then' Once more their eyes met steadily.

Sidwell's carriage came promptly, creating something of a stir behind the drawn shades of the adjoining residences for the Bakers were not located in a fashionable quarter. Sidwell himself, immaculate, smiling, greeted her with the deference which became him well, and in itself conveyed a delicate compliment. Neither made any reference to the incident of the night before.

"You're running up a pretty long bill, I can tell you." Oh, yes, a long, long bill; for we pay heavily for our pleasures in this sad world, Juliana! Spring Fashions Winter had come and gone, and spring found Miss Quincey back again at St. Sidwell's, the place of illumination; a place that knew rather less of her than it had known before.