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"A strange child' she appeared to be, certainly. "But I'd got my visit all finished up, ever and ever so long ago." "So you really chose to come back to us, my dear?" "O, papa, you don't know! Did you think, did you s'pose " Here Dotty broke down completely, and, seizing her father's shirt-bosom in both her grimy hands, she buried her face in it, and sprinkled it with tears of ink.

Soloman Snivel. What! my old friend! I wish I had words to say how glad I am to see you, Lady Swiggs!" exclaims a tall, well-proportioned and handsome-limbed man, to whose figure a fashionable claret-colored frock coat, white vest, neatly-fitting dark-brown trowsers, highly-polished boots, a cluster of diamonds set in an avalanche of corded shirt-bosom, and carelessly-tied green cravat, lend a respectability better imagined than described.

He wore a new spring coat, a new soft hat, new gloves and shoes, an unfamiliar brown tie against a striped shirt-bosom, as if he had just stepped out of a haberdasher's shop. Down the long aisle, between the two rows of desks he passed, nodding with that air of pleasant kindliness that had endeared him to his hundreds of employés. "Good morning, Mr.

Now he is fond of getting the talk into his own hands, and is obviously conscious that he has at least one interested listener. Once or twice I have seen marks of special attention to personal adornment, a ruffled shirt-bosom, one day, and a diamond pin in it, not so very large as the Koh-i-noor's, but more lustrous. I mentioned the death's-head ring he wears on his right hand.

Jamieson was going through the old man's pockets, and Gertrude was composing his arms, folding them across his white shirt-bosom, always so spotless. Mr. Jamieson looked up at me. "What was that you said to me, Miss Innes, about the murder at the house being a beginning and not an end? By jove, I believe you were right!"

"There! you infernal nigger; steal again, will you?" said he, frothing at the mouth with rage with his coat off, his shirt-sleeves rolled up, and his face, hands, arms and shirt-bosom so bespattered with blood, that a thrill of horror ran through the Captain. But the poor sufferer's punishment had wasted his strength, his moans had become so faint as to be scarcely perceptible.

His trousers were neatly folded into the tops of his very high boots, and his shirt-bosom was broad and none too clean, and his flowered silk waistcoat was cut so low that two buttons sufficed to keep it in place. He wore a flowing, black necktie, glistening foil-back studs, and rings of the same quality. "I'm up early," he laughed, nodding to Bradley as a stranger might.

The soft shirt-bosom gave freely, comfortably as he breathed. Its plaited whiteness enthralled him. He turned anxiously to his host. "Will I do?" he asked. "Better than I'd hoped," said the other. "You look like a gentleman." The dummy-chucker laughed gaily. "I feel like one," he declared. "You understand what you are to do?" demanded the host.

His hands fell to his sides; his chin sank wretchedly into its own folds; his shirt-bosom heaved and crinkled; arrows of unspeakable injustice had entered the defenceless breast.

It is doubtful if we can do it; it is doubtful if we can decipher it after we have done it; and if we decipher it it is a question whether the document is valid or not." "That is a masterly exposition of the dilemma, Mr. Perkins," said the school-master warmly. Mr. Perkins had spoken in his court-room tone of voice, with one hand thrust into his frilled shirt-bosom.