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Knowing every gate on the run, he had merely gone round the ration-paddock, and had already made a seven-mile stage in ten miles' travelling that is, losing three miles in the detour.

The fact that our gains included a seven-mile stretch of the Siegfried line made no appreciable difference to the future course of the war; and we even failed to learn the lesson of our failure.

"If I can be of use." "Oh, a trusty comrade is always of use; and a chronicler still more so. My room at The Cedars is a double-bedded one." "The Cedars?" "Yes; that is Mr. St. Clair's house. I am staying there while I conduct the inquiry." "Where is it, then?" "Near Lee, in Kent. We have a seven-mile drive before us." "But I am all in the dark." "Of course you are.

Josephine held the reins over the back of a fine gray mare that seemed glad to get out of the stable on this sunny May afternoon. The roads were even better than Max had predicted, and the seven-mile drive was soon over. "There are the pines." Josephine pointed with her whip. "How far away they show, against the lighter foliage. I'm fond of pines they make me think of the mountains.

In my ignorance and selfishness I had thought that I was alone in this; that no one could listen to Nature's secrets but myself. I have been wrong, and I am glad that I have been undeceived." The congeniality which became quickly established between us made our seven-mile ride very short. Our horses were in good mettle, and the road was fine.

I wish I could describe for people who have never seen it the grand and majestic march of 30,000 men with their guns and baggage across a large country; the slow dignity of a vast seven-mile column winding over the face of a plain, all the units diverging to pass the same ant-heap or to avoid the same rough place.

It would be easy to keep them in ignorance of my movements, and, once away, they wouldn't expect to hear much of me. In my private capacity I was a proverbially remiss correspondent. They both came with me the seven-mile drive to the station; and even Jim, to my relief, didn't seem to have the least suspicion that my hurried departure was occasioned by any other reason than that I had given.

Morgan came from the dining-room, where she was looking after the silver and china, after washing up the supper dishes, for they temporarily chanced to be without a hired-girl. Hugh guessed as much himself. He had already been called to the phone several times since arriving home after his seven-mile spin.

He put the little round pea in his pocket and Hal followed suit. Although neither could possibly have suspected it, these two little peas were to be the means of getting them into all kinds of trouble. There was heavy fighting that day and when night fell it found the Germans safely entrenched in the French second line trenches along a seven-mile front.