United States or Saint Barthélemy ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Half-naked savages roamed, dancing and groaning and scourging their flesh, from city to city, under the stress of semi-bestial impulses. Then came the period of organized pilgrimages. The celebrated shrines of Europe Rome, Compostella, Monte Gargano, Canterbury acted like lightning-conductors to the tempestuous devotion of the mediæval races, like setons to their over-charged imagination.

I am the last of the Setons, fortunately, and I am going to smash the family tree, sell the heirlooms, and burn the family records!" "I shouldn't if I were you," Aynesworth said quietly. "You are a young man yet. You may come back to your own!" "Meaning?" "You may smoke enough cigarettes to become actually humanized! One can never tell!

Drench three times a day, and give, late in the evening, a tablespoonful of phosphate of lime, in a little feed, or drench with gruel. Put setons, or rowels in the dewlap, so as to have a dependent opening. This course has been found very advantageous.

"Here was the Black Turnpike, Miss Hamilton!" he cried; "and from here Mary went to Loch Leven, where you Hamiltons and the Setons came gallantly to her help. Don't you remember the 'far ride to the Solway sands?" I looked with interest, though I was in such a state of delicious excitement that I could scarce keep my seat.

"If you can keep up like that we shall be getting positively sentimental presently, and if there's anything I adore in this world especially before luncheon it is sentiment. Do you remember we used to waltz together, Arranmore?" "You gave me a glove one night," he said. "I have it still." "And you pressed my hand and it was in the Setons' conservatory how bold you were."

Where suppuration results, surgical evacuation of pus must be promptly effected else large suppurating cavities form. The employment of setons constitutes a dependable method of treatment of shoulder atrophy, but because of the attendant suppurative process which inevitably results, this method is not popular with modern surgeons and is a last resort procedure. After-care.

Crimmins: "In the immediate vicinity were the country-seats of other prominent New Yorkers, such as the Buchanans, who were the forebears of the Goelets, the Adriance, Jones, and Beekman families, the Schermerhorns, Hulls, Setons, Towles, Willets, Lenoxes, Delafields, Primes, Rhinelanders, Lefferts, Hobbs, Rikers, Lawrences, and others.

In the treatment of chronic inflammations, pending further knowledge as to their causation, and beyond such obvious indications as to help the tissues by removing a foreign body or a piece of dead bone, there are employed empirically a number of procedures such as the induction of hyperæmia, exposure to the X-rays, and the employment of blisters, cauteries, and setons.

Setons introduced along the spine would have a good effect. occasionally occurs throughout a whole litter, no doubt being entailed upon the progeny of those dogs who have defective vision, or who are old and infirm at the time of copulation. The best and only remedy is speedy drowning.

Blisters to the spine, setons, electricity, acupuncturation, &c. 'Treatment of chronic rheumatism' warm baths are useful, and warm housing absolutely necessary, attention to diet, and an occasional purge of blue mass and aloes, together with electricity, acupuncture, rubefacient applications to the spine, &c.