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He took refuge adroitly in a foolish reply, and it served him. That he had in all probability lost his chance by the method he had adopted, and by sentimentalizing at the wrong moment, was becoming evident, notwithstanding.

One must be one's natural self or the whole business is an indecent trick, a vile use of life! To use inferiors in love one must needs talk down to them, interpret oneself in their insufficient phrases, pretend, sentimentalize. And it is clear that unless oneself is to be lost, one must be content to leave alone all those people that one can reach only by sentimentalizing.

Prayer-meetings in the old, orthodox sense are not so numerous as they were fifty years ago; but the same morbid love of telling one's own experiences and expressing in words one's own desires for a better life is as common as ever. Many who would express horror at these public forms of sentimentalizing do not hesitate to indulge in it privately to any extent.

"Am I absolutely perfect and without flaw in character." "No. But I love your faults." "Do you wish to enshrine me in a golden jewel-studded temple and worship me night and day?" "No. I want to put you in a house and live with you." "Hurrah," cried the surprising young woman. "That's love, Dam. It's not rotten idealizing and sentimentalizing that dies away as soon as facts are seen as such.

Our duty is to cleanse, to reconsider, to restore, to correct the evil without impairing the good, to purify and humanize every process of our common life without weakening or sentimentalizing it. There has been something crude and heartless and unfeeling in our haste to succeed and be great.

She must be drawn nearer and nearer by a fresh reason. She loves to sentimentalize. Lady Blandish had been sentimentalizing for ten years. She would have preferred to pursue the game. The dark-eyed dame was pleased with her smooth life and the soft excitement that did not ruffle it. Not willingly did she let herself be won.

Then, too, the country population frequently exhibit an originality and individuality of development more often missed than found in the assimilating atmosphere of cities. 'I should weary in a week of such a dull, sentimentalizing mode of existence, said Aunt Sarah, with a significant shrug of her prettily drooping shoulders.

It was not only Margaret who was dead. The other little girl who had played there, who had hung so lovingly over this creation of her fancy, was dead too, Marise thought with a backward look of longing. And then the honest, unsparing habit of her life with Neale shook her roughly. This was sentimentalizing.

"You needn't tell me at all. I know it already. And I'm going to change it. You shan't be disappointed. I've learned an awful lot in these last three days and these last three hours. I've done my last sentimentalizing. I I'm sure I have. I'll be too good for it, or else too bad for it!

Besides the sentimentalizing about ourselves in our desire to live a better life, there is the same morbid practice in our love for others; and this is quite as weakening. It contains, of course, no jot of real affection.