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But it may be feared that so long as public sentiment rather demands every possibility of evasion of execution than that a guilty person should be promptly and summarily punished, little can be hoped for from the legislatures.

But if nothing be natural but the mere fact of right and wrong, while all the details, which alone have any value, are settled by convention and custom, we are as much at sea on one system as on the other. It is fully admitted, being, indeed, impossible to deny, that education must concur with natural impulses in making up the moral sentiment.

The girl for whom he was beginning to nourish an extraordinary tenderness was at this time ensphered by the same harmonies as those which floated into his ears; and the thought was a delight to him. She was probably a frequenter of this place, and, steeped body and soul in church sentiment as she must be by occupation and habit, had, no doubt, much in common with him.

Matthew's sturdy individualism might have taken the form of liberalism, or perhaps materialism, if it had appeared two centuries later; but in the period in which his years were cast, the art of keeping close to the ground had not been fully learned. Matthew was filled with a sentiment which he neither knew nor attempted to define. At least he was sure that the mare was not to be caught.

It was not a question of sentiment, but of life and death, or more than that, some dark ending, perhaps, which would close the history of his race with disaster and evil report upon the lips of all coming generations. As to the thought of his nephew's making love to his daughter, it had almost passed from his mind.

"Well, by the imagination then: but it is an imagination that is purified by sentiment, and" "Already rendered partial by the innate evidence of worth," interrupted Charles.

In order to conquer for himself what the cardinal would not grant him, La Rochefoucauld put forth every effort to win Mme. de Longueville; captivated by his fine appearance, his chivalry and, above all, by his powerful intellect, she gave herself up entirely, willing to share his destiny, to sacrifice all her interests, even those of her family, and the deepest sentiment of her lifethe tenderness for her brother.

I could easily understand and appreciate the sentiment that preserved it untouched as part and parcel in the family associations of the place, and as a relic of the olden time which no one was willing to disturb.

Lawyers too may very materially assist in giving a high tone to public sentiment in the matter of stay and exemption laws. It is not every case in which a man has a legal that he has a moral right to claim the benefit of such laws.

The three honourable Misses were the most difficult part of the business; but he talked sentiment with the first, sketched with the second, and romped with the third. Ere the Beaconsfields could be jealous of the influence of the Courtowns, Mr.