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A letter or a parcel may be registered to further insure its safe delivery. When a letter or parcel is registered, it must have the sender's name and address written across the left-hand end of the envelope and on the reverse side. In addition to the stamps required ordinarily, eight cents in stamps or in a regularly prepared stamp, is the registration fee.

Nor did he ever utter a word of condemnation concerning a certain other scholar, an inveterate tale-bearer and gossip-monger, though a good-natured fellow, who not infrequently sought to embroil him with some of his warmest friends. One Talmudist, a corpulent old man whose seat was next to Reb Sender's, was more inclined to chat than to study.

The Sun straightway printed it without change and what was still better with the sender's name spelled out in capital letters; and that night, at the place down by the corner, Corporal Jacob Speck was a prophet not without honor in his own country much honor, in fact, accrued.

From 1873-5 he was engaged in perfecting his 'Electro-harmonic telegraph. His speaking telegraph was likewise the outcome of these researches. The 'Telautograph, or telegraph which writes the messages as a fac-simile of the sender's penmanship by an ingenious application of intermittent currents, is the latest of his more important works. Mr. Gray is a member of the firm of Messrs.

It seemed to contain papers of some kind, and so many bidders had bought old deeds, contracts, plans, manuscripts and the like, utterly valueless to them, that the lot hung at twenty-five cents for several minutes. "Come, come, gentlemen!" urged Bart "the last may be the best. The charges are sixty-five cents. Sender's name not given. Directed to 'A.A. Adams, Pleasantville' not found." "Hoo!

As the missive was without address, so was it without signature. It must have been delivered by some confidential messenger who knew the recipient, and yet by whom a verbal message was either not thought expedient, or required to be confirmed by the written appeal. The recipient must be familiar with the sender's handwriting.

When adjustment is satisfactory to the called station, it will cut off its flash and the calling station will proceed with its message. If the receiver sees that the sender's mirror or light needs adjustment, he will turn on a steady flash until answered, by a steady flash. When the adjustment is satisfactory the receiver will cut off his flash and the sender will resume his message.

He had been sent to the detention ward of Bellevue to await examination as to his sanity, though insisting that he was the victim of a gang of footpads who had plied him with liquor and robbed him of his watch. I showed the piece to Ben Sutton and Ben sent him up a pillow of forget-me-nots with "Rest" spelled on it without the sender's card.

The dinners which Reb Sender's wife brought to the synagogue for her husband and myself were never quite enough for two, and for supper, which he had at home, she would bring me some bread and cheese or herring. Poor Reb Sender could not look me in the face. The situation grew more awkward every day.

He would telegraph; only electricity was quick enough and fiery enough for his mood. But what should he telegraph? The telegraph was not invented for love-making, and is not adapted to it. It is ridiculous to make love by wire. How was it possible to frame a message that should be commercial on its face, and yet convey the deepest agony and devotion of the sender's heart?