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I still recall the innocent astonishment when we anchored in Hampton Roads, after the run down the Chesapeake, and the boatswain, as by custom, pulled round the ship to see the yards square and rigging taut. Semaphore signalling was not then used, as later; and his stentorian lungs conveyed to us distinct sounds, bearing meanings we felt could never be compassed by us.

The moon at that moment broke through the clouds, and he saw the Semaphore like a ghost pointing towards Pascal River. He waved his hand towards his old prison, and sped away. But others were thinking of the Semaphore at this moment, others saw it indistinct, yet melancholy, in the moonlight.

She was too small for an inter-island cutter, and smaller than those do not venture beyond the reef. She was downing her single sail, and the sun glinted on the wet canvas. I called to the guardian of the semaphore, and when he pointed his telescope at the object, he shouted out: "Mais, c'est curieux! Et ees a schmall vessel, a sheep's boat!"

In Charing Cross, where all roads meet and snarl up in the bewildering semblance of many fishing worms in a can, I ventured out into the roadway to ask a policeman the best route for reaching a place in a somewhat obscure quarter. He threw up his arm, semaphore fashion, first to this point of the compass and then to that, and traffic halted instantly.

The Grand Duke made another objection. "I understand," he said, "it is etiquette for music-hall artists in their spare time to eat er fried fish with their fingers. Must I do that? I doubt if I could manage it." Mr Quhayne once more became the human semaphore. "S'elp me! Of course you needn't! All the leading pros, eat it with a spoon.

The low jungle had been cleared, and we saw screens and houses of green thatch and palm leaves. A very brown Britisher came out of his tent as we passed, his face half white with soap lather, and his shirt sleeves rolled up; he did unintelligible semaphore signalling with both arms, a razor in one hand, paper in the other.

When there, she said slowly, "That is what makes me sad and sorry," and she pointed to the Semaphore upon the Hill of Pains. "You are too tender-hearted," he remarked. "A convict has escaped; he will be caught perhaps perhaps not; and things will go on as before." "Will go on as before.

"Hillo!" shouted the nearest "Cringle, my lad whither bound? how is Sir Samuel and Lady Semaphore, eh? Capital sport, ten brace of teal there" and the spokesman threw two beautiful birds ashore to me.

"This freight goes out first;" and now Gaites noticed that up on a siding beyond the station an engine with a train of freight-cars was fretfully fizzing. The engineer put a silk-capped head out of the cab window and looked back at the station-master, who began to work his arms like a semaphore telegraph.

Grantline's party? Snap gripped me. "Grantline! We're safe, Gregg! Safe!" He took his bulb light from his helmet; we stood in a group while he waved it. A semaphore signal. "Grantline?" And the answer came, "Yes. You, Dean?" Their personal code. No doubt of this it was Grantline, who had seen the Planetara fall and had come to help us. I stood then with my hand holding Anita.