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Yes, but these are all beggars in pocket, and rich only in conceit. Well, let us leave them all alone, and long live every one! Elsewhere he scribbles: "Farewell, soror! I hope to have a letter sororis to answer sorori, then to see sororem," etc.

To th' ante-mural temple flock apace, Where he that long ago composed of brass Great Jupiter, Thrasonic old bald pate, Now scribbles impious books, a boastful ass! meaning books which prove there are no gods. Euripides the tragedian durst not openly declare his sentiment; the court of Areopagus terrified him. Yet he sufficiently manifested his thoughts by this method.

All my life I've had the instinct or habit of seeing the things I see; that is to say, seeing them not as cloud or mist-shapes for ever floating past, nor as people in endless procession "seen rather than distinguished," but distinctly, separately, as individuals each with a character and soul of its very own; and while seeing it in that way some little unnamed faculty in some obscure corner of my brain hastily scribbles a label to stick on to the object or person before it passes out of sight.

He writes and rewrites, scribbles and destroys, an enormous amount before he makes the exquisite fair copy he sends to Copenhagen. He altered, as we have said, the printed text of his earlier works, in order to bring them into harmony with his finished style, but he did not do this, so far as I remember, after the publication of Brand.

Its ancient, scaly head was thrust out and its eyes gleamed with a kind of sharp intelligence. The surface of its vast and massive shell was covered over with scribbles in white chalk notes made by Sarakoff who was in the habit of jotting down figures and formulæ on anything near at hand.

Saturday . I find the enemies of the churches are set with an implacable enmity against myself; and one vile fool, namely, R. Calf, is employed by them to go on with more of his filthy scribbles to hurt my precious opportunities of glorifying my Lord Jesus Christ. Hist. Soc.

'One need not go to heaven to predict imminent changes and revolutions, says that other philosopher, who scribbles on this same subject about these days in such an entertaining manner, and who brings so many 'buckets' from 'the headspring of sciences, to water his plants in this field in particular. 'That which most threatens us is a divulsion of the whole mass.

And I came across a book of his the other day." "Ah, yes. Gervase scribbles when he has time. He is by way of being an authority on criminology." "And is, I should say," Gifford added civilly. "Yes; he is a smart fellow. Has the brains of the family. I'm all for sport and the open-air life."

By the advice of several worthy persons, to whom, with the author’s permission, I communicated these papers, I now venture to send them into the world, hoping they may be, at least for some time, a better entertainment to our young noblemen, than the common scribbles of politics and party.

I really do not think Ada knows the difference between an editor and a publisher." "Very likely; nor would you, probably, if you had not a mother who scribbles weak fiction." "It is a great deal better than much that is published and paid for," said Katherine, emphatically. "Ah! Kate, when money has long been scarce you get into a bad habit of estimating things merely at their market value.