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Jack Hamlin had reined up his horse, and was standing upright on the seat of his buggy. And the two objects of this absorbing attention approached each other. "York's got the sun," "Scott'll line him on that tree," "He's waitin' to draw his fire," came from the cart; and then it was silent.

I'm sure Scott'll say so." "Don't mind him, my lord. He's not like one of those English cats, with jist a dash of speed about 'em, and nothing more brutes that they put in training half a dozen times in as many months. Thim animals pick up a lot of loose, flabby flesh in no time, and loses it in less; and, in course, av' they gets a sweat too much, there's nothin left in 'em; not a hapoth.

"If they do," thought Ned, when he heard that matter under discussion by the soldiers, "I hope General Scott'll send for me and the other engineers. I'd like to trap some more prisoners." He was not to have any such chance as that, but he was not to be idle altogether, he and his engineers and his army.

Aye, the Scott'll be a close fisted, hard man a strang man, tae, an' one for ye to fear if you're his enemy, but to respect withal, and to trust. Ye ken whaur the man stands who deals wi' his love and his friends and his siller as does the Scot. And ne'er think ye can fash him by callin' him mean. Wull it sound as if I were boastin' if I talk o' what Scots did i' the war?

Maister Scott'll likely give him a job in" he paused to let the heavy weight of his sarcasm fall resoundingly "in Muskoky!" He tramped away, and, climbing the fence, strode across the fields in the direction of his mill. "Ain't 'e a caution, now?" asked Silas Long in a tone of fear. "You mark my words, now jist mark my words that man's goin' to meet a judgment some day.