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A man' who was forced to consort with criminals professionally. He was cleaned out in the crash, and never recovered. "There is a record of a case similar to that of the Miller case. Schurman was killed in the way that Emmeline Reynolds was killed in 1898. In her case a bludgeon was used. In Schurman's case Brown probably used his fist.

He had engaged a plane to fly up to Higginbotham's camp, plannin' to be there first thing in the mornin'. When he didn't come up to the airport, the pilot began telephonin'. Finally, about eight o'clock or so in the morning, an old woman who takes care of Schurman's apartment, came and found him hangin'. That's about all we got, Jimmy."

The murderer was about to take a bite, but he changed his mind. It was too hard, or too bitter, or too sour." He changed the subject abruptly. "And what will the District Attorney of New York County do about August Schurman's murder? That, at least, is in your jurisdiction, Mr. McCall." "Yes, that is in my jurisdiction.

The maid, who came to the apartment once a day to clean up, was able to estimate the amount of food that had been eaten since she had last visited the place. Six eggs were eaten at this meal. "This woman found Schurman's body yesterday morning. The condition of the body showed that it had been dead nearly twenty-four hours.

This unexplained conduct of General Otis, so manifestly contrary to the canons of international law and military honour, is eloquent testimony of his deliberate intention to neutralize the effects of Mr. Schurman's pacific mission. What peace can be concerted by the roaring of cannon and the whizzing of bullets? What is and has been the course of procedure of General Brooke in Cuba?

The ideas are really incommensurate, as is well pointed out in Schurman's monograph on the Kantian and the evolutionary ethics of Spencer.

"I seen thousands of nail files like this." "Did you ever own one like it?" "Sure, I owned dozens, what of it?" "Well, 'Fingy, this was found under Schurman's safe. Your finger prints is on it." The prisoner's head jerked back as if struck a blow. He looked at the file, he reached out for it and drew his hand back. He looked with startled eyes at his inquisitor. He sat back in his chair.

What we found on the rope and twine does not at all accord with the rope itself and its implication. "I find an analogous situation in New York. Everything seemed clear enough. Someone entered Schurman's apartment. That person was either rather skilled in human anatomy or he was told how to hit Schurman.

I have seen you come back from Cale Schurman's crying, and after asking you several times you would make out to answer, you had not been all the way over because you forgot what you went for. You would frequently jump up from the corner, and ask some peculiar question. I remember three you asked me. 1st. Father, does form mean shape? Yes. Has everything some shape? Yes.

You now brightened up like a lawyer who had led on a witness with easy questions to a certain point, and who had cautiously reserved a thunderbolt question, to floor the witness at a proper time; proceeded with, "Well, then, how could the world be without form when God made it?" 3d. Does Cale Schurman's big ram know that he has such big crooked horns on him? Does he know it himself, I mean?