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Finally, Justine goes to see the woman, whose name is Madame Mahuchet; she bribes her and learns at last that her master has preserved a witness of his youthful follies, a nice little boy that looks very much like him, and that this woman is his nurse, the second-hand mother who has charge of little Frederick, who pays his quarterly school-bills, and through whose hands pass the twelve hundred or two thousand francs which Adolphe is supposed annually to lose at cards.

It was not without satisfaction that he remembered that he paid extra for "meat for breakfast" in his son's school-bills, for he was beginning to look forward to meal-time with the natural desire of a young and healthy frame for nourishment. At eight o'clock the Doctor came in and announced breakfast, leading the way himself to what was known in the school as the "Dining Hall."

"You fully realize all that this step must mean?" his uncle coldly asked him. "You are absolutely penniless." "In a matter of this kind, uncle, you must realize that such a consideration could not possibly enter in." "You have not a penny of your own. The few thousands that your father left were long ago used up in your school-bills." "And I am much in your debt; I know it all."

Papa was so mortified: he says it looks as if M. de Bassompierre my godpapa, who pays all my school-bills had thrown away all his money. And then, in matters of information in history, geography, arithmetic, and so on, I am quite a baby; and I write English so badly such spelling and grammar, they tell me.

Englishmen, as far as I can see, have a partiality for chicory, but none at all for coffee." "What I mean, sir, is this. Connected as I and my uncle are together, seeing that he has all my life " Here George paused a moment, for what he was about to say might have seemed to imply a censure on his father. "Paid your school-bills, and all that sort of thing," filled in Sir Lionel.

"Ah no, not that; she must have trouble enough without that. But it would have its advantages, for then I should see the children. I should like very much to see the children." "You are very thorough. Do you want to catechise them about their uncle!" "Precisely. Their uncle tells me he has charge of their education, that he saves their mother the expense of school-bills.

I asked in surprise. "What would bring her home?" he repeated, with some irritation. "Why they'd send her if the bills warn't paid that's what Marm Marvin couldn't help her, and Jed wouldn't give her a cent. Them school-bills, you know, I've always paid out o' my wages that's why Jed let her go. No; I'll stick it out here till she finishes, if it kills me.

McCullough did not present Virginius brushing his hair or paying Virginia's school-bills; yet he suggested him, clearly and beautifully, in the sweet domestic repose and paternal benignity of his usual life making thus a background of loveliness, on which to throw, in lines of living light, the terrible image of his agonising sacrifice.

He had a recollection of tremendous school-bills and, in later days, during their travels, of the way she was always leaving books behind her. Moreover wasn't her French so good that he couldn't understand it?

You will be a member of the family, and be treated as well as my sister herself; and the additional salary may be welcome just now, when there are school-bills to pay." It seemed clear common sense, put in that way, but not for one instant would I entertain such a proposition seriously. The more tempting it looked, the more I distrusted it. Mr.