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Everything is marvellous in the scena the mild glow of orchestral color delineating the bow of promise in the recitative, the heart-searching, transfigurating, prayerful loveliness of the slow melody, the obbligato horn parts, the sweep of the final Allegro, all stand apart in operatic literature.

I don't know what the "Scena with Aria" may be; a "declamatorium" seems to be a fine term for a recitation or evening of spouting; the C major Symphony was the last work of Wagner's to appear on a Gewandhaus programme. At the same concert Clara Wieck afterwards Schumann played a piano-concerto by Piscio.

"E fuor di quel cespuglio oscuro e cieco Fa di se bella et improvvisa mostra, Come di selva o fuor d'ombroso speco Diana in scena, o Citerea si mostra," &c. And it is as artful and dramatic as off-hand; for this Amazon, Bradamante, is the future heroine of the warlike part of the poem, and the beauty from whose marriage with Ruggiero is to spring the house of Este.

"But surely," said she, "you have not really discharged the poor man?" "Oh, no," replied I; "he acted his part so well before the locksmith, that I should be very sorry to lose such an apt scholar." "You must perform this 'buffa scena'," observed Her Highness, "to the Queen.

On reaching Vauxhall Bridge, the concert to commence with Madame Pasta's grand scena in "Medea," previous to the murder of the children, by Miss Corinna Grouts. 2. Nicholson's grand flute concerto in five sharps, by Mr. Frederick Snodgrass. 3. Grand aria, with variations, guitar, by Miss Euphemia Grouts. 4. Sweet Bird; accompaniment, flute obligato, Miss C. G. and Mr. F. S. and 5.

This piece of spite and jealousy being noised about, the public openly testified their displeasure, and the next day it was announced by Gherardi, the manager, in the bills, that Braham's scena should be performed; and on the second night of the opera it was received with tumultuous applause.

In eyes and hands he had become her lover again. The blissful minutes rolled away like waves that keep the sunshine out at sea. Her solitude in the villa was beguiled by the arrival of the score of an operatic scena, entitled "HAGAR," by Rocco Ricci, which she fancied that either Carlo or her dear old master had sent, and she devoured it. She thought it written expressly for her.

Among less important works, the Countess of Ahlefeldt issued the ballet, "Telemach und Calypso," in 1794. Julie von Pfeilschifter, born in 1840, is author of the grand ballet, "Vöglein's Morgengruss" and the dramatic scena, "Agneta," which have pleased Wiesbaden audiences; also a number of piano selections and songs.

Touch me kiss me! say something anything only speak!" And her bosom heaved convulsively; she sobbed with terror. I put her from me with a firm hand. I spoke in measured accents, tinged with some contempt. "Hush, I pray you! This is no place for an hysterical scena. Consider where you are!

Scenes affect ordinary Minds as much as Speeches; and our Actors are very sensible, that a well-dressed Play his sometimes brought them as full Audiences, as a well-written one. The Italians have a very good Phrase to express this Art of imposing upon the Spectators by Appearances: They call it the Fourberia della Scena, The Knavery or trickish Part of the Drama.