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In eyes and hands he had become her lover again. The blissful minutes rolled away like waves that keep the sunshine out at sea. Her solitude in the villa was beguiled by the arrival of the score of an operatic scena, entitled "HAGAR," by Rocco Ricci, which she fancied that either Carlo or her dear old master had sent, and she devoured it. She thought it written expressly for her.

"They had not sent the grand scena from Medea, after all, but a wrong piece!" And the pains she had taken to be perfect in it! "Could not Miss Corinna sing it from memory?" "Impossible!" "How careless of you, Corinna! then sing what they have sent."

The seventh scene is composed of a scena, aria and chorus, followed by still another chorus in the mausoleum. "The Harmonicon," to which reference has already been made, in an analysis of the work, has the following apt criticism: "It has been said, and truly, that 'Semiramide' is composed in the German style, but it is the German style exaggerated.

"O, excellent!" "Capital!" Uncle John, proud of his friend, whispered in Bagshaw's ear, "You see, Jack's beginning." And now hats and gloves were in motion. "You have got your flute, Frederick?" "Yes, mother," was the reply. "Lau, ma," cried Miss Corinna, "if I haven't come without 'Sweet Bird, and my scena from 'Medea, I declare."

She sang an Italian scena afterwards, in a rich mezzo-soprano, and with a kind of suppressed passion that impressed me deeply. I scarcely wondered, after hearing her play and sing, that Mr. Darrell had been fascinated by her. These gifts of hers were in themselves sufficient to subjugate a man who really cared for music. Milly was charmed into forgetfulness of her prejudices.

Another vocal work of great merit is an a capella motet, while among her earlier compositions is the scena for contralto and orchestra, entitled "Eilende Wolken," on a text from Schiller's "Maria Stuart." Mrs. Her vocal works include more than sixty songs, most of which are well known to American music lovers. Some are provided with violin obligato, while others have orchestral accompaniments.

At first there is confusion in the city, and fingers are twiddled over the walls, but after a time all go out and drink, and become ludicrously drunk, and stagger about, embracing each other in the most maudlin style. Even Helen herself comes out, gets tipsy with the rest, and dances about like the most disreputable of Maenades. A great scena, however, takes place as they are about to drink.

He was singing in German, and he accompanied himself on a zither. He had an excellent baritone voice, and the ballad, simple and unfinished, became a tragic scena from his skill in repeating some exceptionally talented teacher's instructions.

Annchen departs, and Agatha, opening her window and letting the moonlight flood the room, sings the famous scena and prayer, "Leise, leise, fromme Weise," beginning, after a few bars of recitative, with a melody full of prayer and hope and tender longings, shaded with vague presentiment.

"You promised me fun," she returned, with a laugh. "I have given you as good. We have had a stormy scena." He laughed in his turn, and the sound of the laughter, in either case, was hardly reassuring. "Come, what are you going to give me in exchange," she continued, "for my excellent declamation?" "What you will," he said. "Whatever I will? Upon your honour? Suppose I ask the crown?"