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He knew the Marquis to be patient, and even stolid, under a fusillade of epigram and paradox; in short, de Puysange knew the hour and the antagonist for midnight talk to be at hand. And a saturnalia of phrases whirled in his brain, demanding utterance. He waved them aside. Certain inbred ideas are strangely tenacious of existence, and it happened to be his wife they were discussing.

Honest citizens there were, indeed, who protested against these Saturnalia of successful villany and rampant vice, but few listened to their warnings. They were jeered at by the vulgar, fined, imprisoned, or banished by Ministers and Magistrates. All that was good, noble, and generous in the nation withered in the uncongenial atmosphere.

+219+. Popular festivities easily pass into license; examples are the Roman Saturnalia and the Hindu Holi ; the harvest festival of the Hos of Northeastern India is a debauch, and with it is connected the expulsion of evil spirits an example of the coalescence of festivals. +220+. Ceremonies of a serious character occur in connection with the eating of the first fruits of the year.

When the party turned the corner of Front Street and were safely out of sight of Judge Straight's office, the capitalist entered the grocery store and invested his unearned increment in gingerbread. When the ensuing saturnalia was over, Billy finished the game of marbles which the judge had interrupted, and then set out to execute his commission.

But there are no proofs of a relation between the Satura and the Saturnalia, and it may be presumed that the immediate association of the -versus saturnius- with the god Saturn, and the lengthening of the first syllable in connection with that view, belong only to later times. I. XII. Foreign Worships I. XIV. Introduction of Hellenic Alphabets into Italy

The reign of The Thirty was one of blood, confiscation, and death. Supported by a Spartan garrison, they tyrannized at their own cruel will, murdering, confiscating, exiling, until they converted Athens into a prototype of Paris during the French Revolution. At length the saturnalia of crime came to an end. Even the enemies of Athens began to pity her sad state.

The Saturnalia, December 19, in honor of Saturn, the annual Thanksgiving, lasted seven days, when the rich kept open house and slaves had their liberty, the most joyous of the festivals. The feast of Minerva lasted five days, when offerings were made by all mechanics, artists, and scholars. The feast of Cybele, analogous to that of Ceres in Greece and Isis in Egypt, lasted six days.

Louder and noisier this little group became, Whitford, under a fresh supply of wine, leading in the boisterous mirth. One after another, attracted by the gayety and laughter, joined the group, until it numbered fifteen or twenty half-intoxicated young men and women, who lost themselves in a kind of wild saturnalia. It was past twelve o'clock when Mrs.

She rang the bell for a servant, but no one answered it; Mr. Wilcox and the Warringtons were gone to bed, and the kitchen was abandoned to Saturnalia. Consequently she went over to the George herself. She did not enter the hotel, for discussion would have been perilous, and, saying that the letter was important, she gave it to the waitress. As she recrossed the square she saw Helen and Mr.

Oh, if anyone had said to me, when, disguised like so many others in some animal form, I celebrated the saturnalia of January nights if anyone had said to me: 'My gay lad, you will celebrate the calends of winter in midsummer, I would have answered: 'Go to, good man, it will be warm, then! And I would have spoken the truth. I would be cooler in an oven than in this hide!