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"Vai, ch'avete gl'intelletti sani, Mirate la dottrina che s'asconde, Sotto queste coperte, alte e profonde!" In the course of social transition, professions, like dogs, have their day. A calling honourable in one century, becomes infamous in the next; and vocations grow obsolete, like the fashioning of our garments or figures of speech. In barbarous communities, the strong man is king:

In this place from the beginning lived barbarians, the Tzanic nation, subject to no one, called Sani in early times; they made plundering expeditions among the Romans who lived round about, maintaining a most difficult existence, and always living upon what they stole; for their land produced for them nothing good to eat.

As a contradistinction, Shahjahan is generally called Sahib Kirani Sani, or the second Sahib Kiran. It never waw applied, as Ferdinand Smith states, to all the emperors of Dilli.

At Shuwak we allowed the camels a day of rest, whilst we planned and sketched, dug into, and described the ruins. A difficulty about drinking-water somewhat delayed us. The lower folds of the Sani' block also supply rain-pools; but here, again, the Arabs and their camels had left their marks.

Itaque si notiones ipsae, id quod basis rei est, confusae sint, et tenere a rebus abstractae, nihil in iis quae superstruuntur est firmitudinis. Itaque spes est una in Inductione vera. In notionibus nil sani est, nec in Logicis nec in physicis.

You're the cross examiner for the plaintiff. What are you trying to get at? Make out a case against Yogo Sani?" "Of course it's all right," said Linda, watching a distant pelican turn head down and catapult into the sea. "It has to be all right, but you must admit that it looks peculiar. How have you been getting along this week?"

Those two blazing planets, viz., Vrihaspati and Sani, having approached the constellation called Visakha, have become stationary there for a whole year. Three lunations twice meeting together in course of the same lunar fortnight, the duration of the latter is shortened by two days.

Luke v. 27-32: Et post hoc exiit et vidit publicanum ... et ait illi, Sequere me.... Et murmurabant Pharisaei et Scribae eorum... et respondens Jesus dixit ad illos, Non egent qui sani sunt medico sed qui male habent. The question respecting the disciples of John is turned against Marcion, as a recognition of the Baptist's mission.