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Garland was blamed by the other Confederate officers for the white flag, and remained with us for safety. Next day was very cold. We worked hard at the lists of prisoners nearly five thousand in number all of whom were sent to St. Louis, in charge of our inspector-general, Major Sanger. Our loss was less than one hundred. The enemy, although behind intrenchments, lost more than double what we did.

The Sanger Witch dwelt in the bend of the creek, And neither could read nor write; But she knew in a day what few knew in a week, For hers was the second sight. "Read?" said she, "I am double read; You fools of the ink and pen Count never the eggs, but the sticks of the nest, See the clothes, not the souls of men." Cracked Jimmy's Ballad of Sanger. The boys set out for Caleb's.

"Oh, say, forget it!" scoffed the red-headed backstop. "I'm talking about our pitcher. He can't pitch a little bit oh, no! He just dreamed he could, that's all. Put another one right over the pan, cap; there's no danger." But Sanger, taking Copley's signal, bent one wide, and Phil fouled it off into the first base bleachers, where it was deftly caught by a spectator.

Knowing something must be done at once or the game would doubtless be lost in that inning, Eliot threw the ball to Barker, so that Berlin might hold the man on third, and, calling Phil, stepped forward and met him in front of the pan. "Play ball! play ball!" yelled Sanger. "Don't delay the game!" And, "Play ball! play ball!" howled the Barville spectators.

"He's in a hole," said Copley. "I wonder how these people ever got a hit off you, Sang." The batter tried to steady himself. Two "teasers" he disdained, and then bit at a drop and was out, Sanger having fanned the first three men to face him; which seemed to justify the Barville spectators in breaking forth with their horns and bells at last, and they did so tumultuously.

Thus it was that an arrangement was made for Yan to work for his board at the farmhouse of William Raften of Sanger. Sanger was a settlement just emerging from the early or backwoods period.

Yan had it all laid out in his mind now. Sam would make a one-sided report of the affair; Guy would sustain him. Raften himself was witness of Yan's violence. The merry days at Sanger were over. He was doomed, and felt like a condemned felon awaiting the carrying out of the sentence. There was only one lively member of the group. That was little Minnie.

On the whole, Merrick states, 4790, or nearly one-third of the whole number, may be said to owe the adoption of their career directly to men, 11,232 to other causes. In America Sanger has reported the results of inquiries made of two thousand New York prostitutes as to the causes which induced them to take up their avocation: 1. The Economic Causation of Prostitution.

This necessitates the frequent handling of a heavy piece of iron, which is black and greasy at the top of a hill, and red-hot at the bottom. A steep hill through the town dispelled the Lord George Sanger illusion at one fell blow, the rustic-urban mind being incapable of conceiving that that self-named nobleman could demean himself to the laying of the skid.

He begged her attention to the German poem, she glanced onward as he read, watching for shoals ahead, and spied something about a "hochbeseeltes madchen" inspiring a "Helden sanger geist", and grew hotter and hotter till she felt ready to box his ears for intoning German instead of speaking plain English, and having it over.