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"Yes!" I answered, with the same sang-froid. "But I've had a serious business of watching through the last three nights. Her peril was extreme. She lost her little one." A visible shudder went through his frame.

The third has come to the door. As he spoke we heard a cautious summons below, Maignan was for going down, but his master bade him stand. Let the woman of the house go, he said. I remarked and long remembered M. de Rosny's SANG-FROID on this occasion.

Miss Humdrum is a well, a very excellent and pious old lady, who keeps a one-eyed servant and three cats; and the sound which Keturah heard was Miss Humdrum's cats. Keturah descended to the wood-shed, armed herself with a huge oaken log, and sallied out into the garden, with a horrible sang-froid that only long familiarity with her errand could have engendered.

He had never seemed to himself more perverse, more unmanageable; and for once his philosophy did not enable him to swallow the certainty that this slim flashing creature must have thought him a morbid idiot with as much sang-froid as usual. Robert interrupted his reflections by some Oxford question, and presently Catherine carried off Rose to her room.

Among the men her name was never spoken but with reserve and respect, and her afternoon teas were like a little court. She had no compromising tenderness of manner for man or woman; she ruled, yet was unapproachable through any avenues of sentiment. She had a quiet aplomb, which would be called 'sang-froid' in a man.

Owls, though no less sensitive to superphysical influence, are not scared by it; they and bats, alone among the many kinds of animals I have tested, take up their abode in haunted localities, and with the utmost sang-froid appear to enjoy the presence of the Unknown, even in its most terrifying form. The owl has been associated with the darker side of the Unknown longer than any other bird.

The financier reddened a little about the temples, and his eyes for an instant gave forth a flash of steel. There had been an infinite variety of meanings hidden in the exclamation, but he demanded suavely: "What point of the question causes you to exclaim 'Good God'?" The sang-froid of Lord Tancred never deserted him.

Addington, with his professional sang-froid and his knowledge of the invalid's actual state, was put out of countenance for a moment. Then he signed to Sir George to be silent, and to the servant to withdraw. At last Lord Chatham spoke. 'This business? he said in a hollow voice and without uncovering his eyes, 'is it to be settled now?

Lady Susan had indeed been right when she declared that Brett had no principles, and against his unshakable sang-froid Ann felt as helpless to make any impression as a wave beating at the foot of some granite rock. "When you want something very badly," he explained with the utmost simplicity, "the only way to get it is to forge straight ahead. You can't afford to be squeamish over trifles.

Conrad glanced at Livius, murmuring, "Didn't I say so?" Whereupon he planted one fist on the table, flung the other behind his back, and thrusting forward his chest, regarded the youth with a savage stare. "Then where is the master?" "He did not so far honour me with his confidence as to tell me," replied Alexander, who had sufficient sang-froid to assume an expression of utter indifference.