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But the Indian knew exactly what he was doing, and soon he and the youth with him were at the bottom of the hollow in safety. Then Dave ran forward to greet his cousin. "Are you badly hurt?" he questioned. "No. I'm all right, Dave, although I got two nasty tumbles." "Sam was afraid you had been killed. He searched all around, but couldn't find you."

Claire gleefully collected her possessions, feeling a glow of delight in the safety which an hour before she would have taken as a matter of course, and stood at attention while each separate item was placed on the roof of the taxi.

From the platform a cheer went up, for the unconscious laborer had just been hauled to safety. It was with a thrill of horror that Hazelton found his own legs firmly embedded in the sand well up to his thighs. "Get Reade started first!" shouted the young assistant engineer. "Don't bother with me until I give the word." How the line fastened to Tom tightened and strained!

We cry safety before we are out of the woods, if we feel that the danger respecting the territories is over. Gentlemen, I came here to confer with you as friends and countrymen, to speak my own mind and hear yours; but if we all should speak, and occupy as much time as I have, we should make a late meeting. I shall detain you no longer.

He looks facts in the face; he deceives neither himself nor his readers; and if he were to tell lies as he would no doubt do as stoutly as any British, French, or Russian officer if his country's safety were at stake he would know that he was telling them. Which last we think very bad taste on his part, if not downright wickedness.

Ruggles, on the corner of Lispenard and Church streets, I was hidden several days, during which time my intended wife came on from Baltimore at my call, to share the burdens of life with me. She was a free woman, and came at once on getting the good news of my safety. We were married by Rev. J. W. C. Pennington, then a well-known and respected Presbyterian minister.

After visiting the holy places, they embarked for Italy, but only a remnant of two thousand arrived in safety in their native land.

He might even go back to San Stefano; she would love him and bless him throughout, if only she knew that his life was safe. She went further. She seemed to be pleading with fate or rather with God for the safety of her son. She would receive Brian with open arms; she would try to love him for Dino's sake.

There is much more still to be said about the teeth; but I think I have told you quite enough to teach you the importance of these little bony possessions of yours, which children do not always value as they deserve, and whose safety they endanger as carelessly as if they had fresh supplies of them ready in their pockets.

Henry a number of old fancies regarding precious stones. Mrs. Henry often accompanied the Judge in venturesome mountain climbs, and sometimes the steepness of the rocks required her to use her hands for safety.