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Mr. Flint was baffled. Two qualities which were very dear to him he designated as sane and safe, and he had hitherto regarded his counsel as the sanest and safest of men. This remark made him wonder seriously whether the lawyer's mind were not giving away; and if so, to whom was he to turn at this eleventh hour?

The simplest plan seemed to be to turn back, but that would be taking him away from the river, which he felt would be his saving to reach, and to gain that he must pursue the track his guards were upon. After all, if he kept at a distance this was the safest plan.

You'd better run along and get dressed while I take him up to the instrument room." "Why move him?" Kerim asked. "The instrument room's got an overall safety field. I've turned it on now, and if something starts banging us around again, the room will be the safest place on the ship. I'll bring his personal luggage up too, and you can start looking through it for the keys.

When one of Michael Angelo's principal patrons died, he said: "I begin to understand the promises of the world are for the most part vain phantoms and that to confide in one's self and become something of worth and value is the best and safest course." It ought to be a first principle, in beginning life to do with earnestness what we have got to do.

Then, with his face crimson, he stared wrathfully at the benevolent Swann. "It's the safest card in the pack," said the latter. "You please everybody; especially the little brother. You should always hold his hand it looks well for one thing, and if you shut your eyes " "I don't want any of your nonsense," said the maddened Jem. "What do you mean by reading my private papers?"

It was the gentleman had the money then, and it is said you know that old Lady Catchboy, Lady Julia's mother, had arranged the elopement herself as offering the safest way of securing the rich prize. The young lord didn't like it, so the mother had it done in that fashion. 'There would be nothing disgraceful.

It was from them that Captain Caldecott received his death-wound and the Cameron losses came. I could not but observe the fact, as I walked and rode about behind the firing lines during the action. Still, the battle of Omdurman has the right to be considered from the victor's point of view the safest action ever fought.

"We're rather used to danger," smiled Tom placidly. "In fact, just a little of danger makes us feel that we're getting more enjoyment out of life." "Do you think it a good plan to take up the invitation of these gentlemen, Timmins?" inquired Mr. Dunlop. "It's the safest thing you can do, sir," answered Joe Timmins. "We'll start back, now," proposed Tom.

He intended to see, if he could, whether the main Mexican force was approaching. If it should prove to be at hand with the heavy cannon there would be no possible chance of holding the mission, and they must get away. He continued in his wide curve, knowing that in this case the longest way around was the best and safest, and he gradually passed into a stretch of chaparral beyond the town.

"No, no, wife; no, it'll never do to lose the money! let a bygone be a bygone, and don't disturb the old woman in her grave. As to the shawl, if it's like to be a tell-tale, in my mind, this hearth's the safest place for it." So he flung it on the fire; there was a shrivelling, smouldering, guilty sort of blaze, and the shawl was burnt.