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"Come," said the girl. He drew near, fell back at sight of her thin face, her pallor; but again she commanded him. "I know," said she. "He's he's safe?" "Yes, Miss Molly, a lot safer'n any of us here." "You're going back to him?" "Yes. When he knows ye're hurt he'll come. Nothin'll stop him, oncet I tell him." "Wait!" she whispered. "I heard you talk. Take him this."

That candy was a bait, a trap, a lure, a anything you choose; and I do hope the little fellers are safer'n I fear they be. If I catch 'em again, for their good My suz! Here they're comin' back of their own free will and wonder ain't ceased!"

Runs them sheep right inside of that bull-wire fence, John, where no wolf can't git at 'em. There ain't no bears down in that part of the country. Safe? Safer'n money in the bank, and no expense of hirin' a man to run 'em." "It looks like you've landed on a feather bed, Dad."

Kendrick, an' I goes to church reg'lar every damn Sunday, see. Y'r auntie'll be safer'n if she was at home; fer there aint no danger here o' gettin' knocked down by street-cars 'n' autermobiles. Now, fer Gawd's sake, c'm on an' eat." "All right," laughed Phil. "Toast's just done. An' while we eat perhaps you won't mind telling me why you think my uncle's a grafter." "Aw, nix, nix!

That thar's plenty wild 'n' rough 'n' come t' think of it, the Chavez boys owns quite a big grant, up in there som'ers, 'n' have got men in their pay up thar, runnin' their cattle. Ramon could lay low fer a dang long while up thar 'n' be safer'n what he would be out amongst strangers.

Anyhow, she's a damn sight safer'n ever she was before, an' I'll bet the old man would let me take that Eagle Creek ranch off his hands, an' stake me to a little bunch of stock besides, if I went at him right. If it wasn't for that damn pilgrim! Bat was right. He holds the edge on me but he's a man."