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You tell him he's under arrest for carryin' concealed weapons. You and Ben grabbed his arm; he jerked loose and went after his gun. And then Joe shot him." "That's it. We'll all stick to that. S-st! Here they come!" There are men whose faces stand out in a crowd, men you turn to look after on the street. Such quite apart from his sprightly past was Christopher Foy, who now entered with Creagan.

Tam's leap forward had given him a moment's advantage, and he keeps it up bravely, his dainty feet almost spurning the ground as he goes on, gaining, gaining, gaining at every step. In a few minutes more they will be out of the reach of any lariat, then in another minute safe at Wallula's door. In a few minutes! As this thought flashes through Molly's mind, wh-irr, s-st! cuts the still air again.

She waited. She saw the glow of his cigar as he came down the pier, a tall, slim white figure in the moonlight. It was just like a novel. It was a novel, come to life. He stood a moment at the pier's edge, smoking. Then he tossed his cigar into the water and it fell with a little s-st! He stood another moment, irresolutely. Then he came over to her. "Nice night."

I didn't get a second look at him; but the way he pulled out that wad I charged him four bucks for a dollar-'n'-a-half room. And " "S-st!" warned the boy. It was Jan re-entering the office. "What's wrong?" demanded the clerk. "Paper and envelope, please," said Jan. "Oh!" The clerk looked relieved and passed them over.

He was wiser than she was, and he scented on the wind something that spurred him on. But, hark! What was that whirring, singing sound? Was that a new signal that Barney was trying? Was it Whirr, s-st! Down like a shot dropped Tam's head, and like an arrow he leaped forward, swerving sideways to escape the danger he had scented, the danger of a lariat flung by a practised hand.