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"Is that a boat from Massa or from Capri?" he inquired. "Neither, S'nore," answered Raoul, afraid to trust Carlo's conscience with the management of such a dialogue. "We come round the cape, from St. Agata, and carry figs to Napoli." "St. Agata, aye, that is the village on the heights; I passed a night there myself, in the house of one Maria Giuntotardi "

"Eccellenza, you bid me speak of the time, in the second place; after I had told you of the where, in the first place. I wish to do whatever will give you pleasure, S'nore."

Cospetto! them signori make no more of a prince than we do of a quail in the season, on our little island. Pardon me, dearest Ghita; but we must throw dust into their eyes." "Has any strange sail been seen about your island within the last twenty-four hours?" "The bay is full of strange sail, S'nore; even the Turks coming to see us, since the last trouble with the French."

How far from the nearest land? Mention that fact, by all means, if you happen to remember." "Well, eccellenza, could the distance be measured, now I would think it would prove to be about as far not quite, S'nore, but, I say, about about as far as from the said Giacomo's largest fig-tree to the vines of Giovanni, his wife's cousin. Si I think, just about that distance."

"S'nore, your eccellenza is pleased to joke; we men of Capri think little of the nights at this season of the year still, as it seems to be your wish, I will honor myself so much." In that age a black silk kerchief was the certain mark of a military man.

S'nore, you are an officer and understand such things; and I will just ask you if Ischia does not lie northwest of Capri?" "Of that fact there can be no manner of doubt," returned Griffin; "it is equally true that the Gulf of Salerno lies southeast of both "

I believe, eccellenza, I am to begin with where I saw her; then I'm to tell you when I saw her; after which you wish to know what she was about. I believe this is the way you put it, S'nore?" "Excellently well; answer in that order, and you will make yourself understood. But first tell me do all the natives of Capri speak the same sort of Italian as you do yourself, friend?"

You say true, s'nore; it was just as three guns were fired up at Naples; though I did not know those guns had anything to do with the intended execution. Can you tell me if they had?" "If they had! Why I touched them off with my own hands, they were signals made by the admiral to spare poor Raoul Yvard, for a few days at, least.

"And how far may that be, friend? Be precise, as much may depend on your answers." "S'nore, that may be a trifle further than it is from the church to the top of the stairs that lead to Ana Capri." "Cospetto! Thou wilt earn thy ducat speedily at this rate! Tell us at once in miles; was the lugger one, two, six, or twenty miles from your island at the time thou speak'st of?"

"S'nore, si though my mother having been a French woman, they tell me that I have caught a little from her. We all get something from our mothers, eccellenza; and it's a pity we could not keep more of it." "True, friend; but now for the lugger.