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The rumour in Edmonton ran that there were only a few places left to be filled in the north Alberta quota. For these few places hundreds of men were fighting in the streets. Alighting from their train, Duff and his men stood amazed, aghast, gazing upon the scene before them. Duff climbed a wagon wheel and surveyed the crowd packing the street in front of the bulletin boards.

Yet their presence would appear to be an impossibility in the light of the military intelligence which we possess. "But we have investigated every rumour; although I, personally, know of no report which has been confirmed. Nevertheless, these rumours persist; they come thicker and faster day by day. But this " He hesitated, then smiled "this seems rather different " "I know.

"Hold on a minute," said the listener, "and let the line cool. It's nearly red hot at this end." When life failed to provide a joke or two we fell back on rumours and enjoyed them thoroughly. They say that Fleet Street as a breeding-ground for rumour is surpassed only by the drawing-rooms of the wives of ministers of state.

This rumour proved to be wrong because neither Bakitch nor Annenkoff entertained this intention, because Annenkoff had been transported by the Chinese into the Depths of Turkestan. However, the news produced veritable stupefaction among the Chinese.

The affair was still kept secret though the existence of some conspiracy to supplant Mary was becoming generally suspected. The interval was spent in making preparations to support the coup d'etat in arms. On July 4th the rumour that the King was already dead was only partially dispelled by letting his face be seen at a window. On the 6th he actually died.

The heir-apparent was said to be a music-loving lad, very much under the cunning thumb of his grim old aunt, who, rumour averred, wore a black beard, and was the scourge of her little kingdom.

So then he knew that the black figs brought the horns and the white figs took them away. So he gathered some more of them and went back to the palace of the princess, and sent her up some of the black figs as a present from an admirer. And after a while there was a rumour spread around the city that the princess had horns in her head, and would give anything to any one who could remove them.

Once more we must turn our attention to the southern watershed of the Darling, and the additional links of discovery in the great network of its tributaries. Rumour, always busy with tales of the unknown interior, now spread a story of a mysterious river called the Kindur, running to the north-west. A runaway convict named Clarke, alias "the barber," brought the story up first.

Some part of it I saw; some I heard; but all the tale is true. My father's brother knows, and my priest knows, that I was in England on business with my Colonel, when the King the Great Queen's son completed his life. 'First, there was a rumour that sickness was upon him. Next, we knew that he lay sick in the Palace.

And whenever he met anyone who had the least appearance of bearing news, he would have me stop and interrogate him, and by no means let the traveller go until he had given us the last rumour from Blois the channel through which all the news from the South reached us.