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'Gintlemen, he says, 'an' fellow-sinitors, th' time has come, he says, 'whin th' eagle burrud iv freedom, he says, 'lavin', he says, 'its home in th' mountains, he says, 'an' circlin', he says, 'undher th' jool 'd hivin, he says, 'fr'm where, he says, 'th' Passamaquoddy rushes into Lake Erastus K. Ropes, he says, 'to where rowls th' Oregon, he says, 'fr'm th' lakes to th' gulf, he says, 'fr'm th' Atlantic to th' Passific where rowls th' Oregon, he says, 'an' fr'm ivry American who has th' blood iv his ancesthors' hathred iv tyranny in his veins, your ancesthors an' mine, Mr.

"He has come for food, dearie, but I cannot make him understand that we have nothing." Rowls straightened himself and by motions again ordered Mrs. Gibbons to get him food. At the same time he showed a fine beaver skin for exchange. Empty cupboards and barrels were opened, but the fierce creature believed the food was hidden and raised his knife as a threat.

In a pretty high place, which lies very open, they have surrounded a circumference of two or three hundred paces diameter with a sorry kind of balustrade, or rather with postes placed upon stakes but three feet from the ground; and the coaches drive round this. When they have turned for some time round one way they face about and turn t'other: so rowls the world!"

At this a sudden thought struck Rebecca. With energy she motioned for him to wait. Then she darted to her secret garden, where she tore the precious ears from the stalks until her arms were full. Fearing for her mother in the meantime, she flew back to the house to find that Rowls had patiently waited. It was what he wanted.

She was surprised to find the gate of the palisade open and still more astonished to see a tall figure in the kitchen. Her frightened mother was showing the empty meal-chest to a fierce looking Indian. Rebecca did not then know it was Rowls, the Sagamore of the Newichewannock Camp. He had returned ahead of his people with a small but hungry band of Indians.

And then he knows they have arrms wid 'em and are 'hostiles, and he rowls the nearest one over, wheelin' and fightin' and coverin' our retreat till we gets to the road agin. And they daren't folly us out of cover. Then the lady gets more sinsible, and the leftenant pershuades her to mount her horse agin.

"And do you like hot rowls or cowld muffins or crumpets fresh butter or salt? And you, gentlemen, what do you say to some ilegant divvled-kidneys for yourselves, and just a trifle of grilled turkeys, and a couple of hundthred new-laid eggs for the ladies?" "Pooh, pooh! be it as you will, my dear fellow," answered they all.

I do not know of what particular part of Ireland they were kings; but monarchs they must have been, as have been the ancestors of so many thousand Hibernian families; but they had been men of no small consideration in Dublin, "where my father," Haggarty said, "is as well known as King William's statue, and where he 'rowls his carriage, too, let me tell ye."

The Fifth Day, about Noon, our Foremast came by the board; we broach'd to, and a Sea fill'd us; we were at our Dying Rowls, and every Man gave himself for lost. But in this Danger, which ought to have awakened those unhappy Wretches, to some Care of their future Happiness, the Ship rang with Imprecations, and not a Word was uttered, not back'd with Oaths and Curses.