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False love, and hast thou play'd me this In summer among the flowers? I will repay thee back again In winter among the showers. Unless again, again, my love, Unless you turn again; As you with other maidens rove, I'll smile on other men.

Half a dozen lines at least, and something like a round lump in the middle of 'em. Don't you see it? against the sky like a black moon " "Hush! boy the growl again!" "Ay, man, also the cockatoo." "Oh! I have it now," whispered Dominick, with a low laugh; "they've rove blocks and tackle from the ship to the rocks, and are working them softly.

Father replied that surely it could never have been the intention of God to allow Indians to rove and hunt over so fertile a country and hold it forever in unproductive wildness, while Scotch and Irish and English farmers could put it to so much better use.

Consequently their normal position is head-downward, and with tentacles spread out like the ribs of an umbrella eight of them at least; the two long ones, like the antennae of an insect, rove unceasingly around, seeking prey. And in the centre of this net-work of living traps is the chasm-like mouth, with its enormous parrot-beak, ready to rend piecemeal whatever is held by the tentaculae.

Suddenly an order was given to set the main-top-gallant-stun'-sail, and the halyards not being rove, Jack Chase assigned to me that duty. Now this reeving of the halyards of a main-top-gallant-stun'-sail is a business that eminently demands sharpsightedness, skill, and celerity.

More often and more bitterly now did his discontented glance, in his way homeward, rove to the rooftops of the rural member for the town; more eagerly did he read the parliamentary debates; more heavily did he sigh at the thought of eloquence denied a vent, and ambition delayed in its career. When arrived at this state of mind, Lucretia's conversation took a more worldly, a more practical turn.

And now he was going out of this young life, and the summers and winters would come and go, and we others would rove and play as before, but his place would be vacant; we should see him no more.

Indeed, they are capable of being heard with profit by one that is possessed of knowledge. Having procreated children in due time and married them when they become young men, and having ascertained them to be competent for earning their livelihood, do thou free thyself from all attachments and rove about in happiness.

More followed and still more, until thirty-odd were bobbing up and down to the movement of the horses. A moment passed, one of those mighty moments when a man's life appears before him as a period which he has finished, when a man's thoughts rove swiftly over what portions of that period they choose. And Schiefflin's mind went to that talk with the man at the Bruncknow house.

We can travel together till our roads branch, anyhow." "I'll be glad to wait for you, old feller. I didn't know which way " "Wyoming," said Taterleg, sighing. "It's come back on me ag'in." "Well, a feller has to rove and ramble, I guess." Taterleg sighed, looking off westward with dreamy eyes. "Yes, if he's got a girl pullin' on his heart," said he.