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"If we had a beef roast, we'd put it in a sealed container of clear plastic," Gimp laughed. "Set it turning, outside the bubb, on a swiveled tether wire. It would rotate for hours like on a spit almost no friction. Rig some mirrors to concentrate the sun's heat. Space Force men do things like that." "Shut up I'm getting hong-gry!" Art Kuzak roared.

First of all our planet hung in the form of vapour, and drifted with millions of other similar clouds through space; then the vapour became liquid; then the globular form was assumed, and the flying ball began to rotate round the great attracting body. We cannot tell how living forms first came on earth; for they could not arise by spontaneous generation, in spite of all that Dr. Bastian may say.

The wind is nearly always off the sea here. I want the perfume to blow over the verandahs. I can rotate the roses so that a big percentage of them will always be in bloom." We visited the stables, the garage, an artesian well newly driven, a drive that was to skirt the sea, a sunken garden some distance from the house and away from the sea. Next spring I came once more several times, in fact.

Now, it is very easy to adjust the conditions so that the potential is normally not sufficient to turn the fan, but that by connecting the other terminal of the coil with an insulated body it rises to a much greater value, so as to rotate the fan, and it is likewise possible to stop the rotation by connecting to the terminal a body of different size, thereby diminishing the potential.

The construction is the same as before, only instead of the lamp filament a small platinum wire p, sealed in a stem s, and bent above it in a circle, is connected to the copper wire w, which is joined to an inside coating C. A small stem s1 is provided with a needle, on the point of which is arranged to rotate very freely a very light fan of mica v.

It is, perhaps, just as well to give here a word of caution. Rotating of course means a planet's turning on its own axis, revolving means its course in its orbit round the sun. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and all their moons, as well as Saturn himself, rotate on their axes in this one direction counter-clockwise and revolve in the same direction as they rotate.

The flow of the river makes the paddles rotate, and thus the machinery in the interior is worked. Such craft moored in a rapid tide-way could also be made to convey the power of the tides into the mechanism of the mill.

The general plan of attack was that the whole American line should rotate to the north and west on Caloocan as a pivot, driving the Insurgents in toward Malabon if possible. The latter began to fire as soon as the American troops showed themselves, regardless of the fact that their enemies were quite out of range.

Course and Prognosis. Because of the direction of the long axis of the humerus, with relation to the bony column of the extremity, it is obvious that any lateral movement of the leg tends to rotate the shaft of this bone. In fractures of the shaft of the humerus, then, it is apparent that immobilization is very difficult if at all possible.

A man on the earth will have grown from babyhood to boyhood, from boyhood to the prime of life, and lived longer than most men, while Uranus has only once circled in his path. But in dealing with Uranus we come to another of those startling problems of which astronomy is full. So far we have dealt with planets which are more or less upright, which rotate with a rotation like that of a top.