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The patio was swept clean of dust and footprints, and the peons scarce dared to cross it in their scurrying errands hither and thither. In the orchard many caballeros fresh from the rodeo were camped, their waiting-time spent chiefly in talking of the thing they meant to do or hoped to see, while they polished spur-shanks and bridle trimmings.

A bull-fighter. Hacienda. A large estate. Alfalfa. A species of grass valuable as fodder for horses and cattle. Rodeo. Cattle market. 167, 1. Tête-

Two of us drove a light wagon from Petaluma to Ukiah, and then put saddles on our horses and started over the mountains to the valley. We took a cold lunch, planning to stay overnight at a stockman's ranch. When we reached the place we found a notice that he had gone to a rodeo. We broke into his barn to feed our horses, but we spared his house.

"Has he drunk much?" "Um-m. No more than common. He is on the gallery now with his cocktails." "He knows I am at home?" "I told him." Alaire went on dressing. After a little she asked: "Has Benito finished branding the calves in the south pasture?" "He finished yesterday and sent the remuda to the Six Mile. José Sanchez will have completed the rodeo by this afternoon.

If the Pot-Hook-S boys see him, they'll notice that he's earmarked all right, and very likely they'll take it for granted that he's branded, or, perhaps let him go anyway. Before the next rodeo I run on to my sleeper again, and he's big enough now to take away from the cow, so all I have to do is to change the earmarks and brand him with my iron.

Horses are a good deal like men, you know, Dorsey there's always one that's a little bit better!" The Vermejo cow-man colored at the thrust. "Any of you Quarter Circle KT fellers going in on anything at the Rodeo, this year?" one of the Y-Bar riders asked Skinny before Dorsey could reply.

Of course, Teresita could not know that they were discussing a brief but rancorous encounter which Jerry had had with Manuel that morning, when the two happened to meet farther down the valley while Manuel was riding his share of the rodeo circle. Two of José's men had been with Manuel, and their attitude had been "purty derned upstropolus," according to Jerry.

Honest to grandma, they call that punchin' cows! Oh, he's a Native Son, all right. I've saw lots of 'em, only I never saw one so far away from the Promised Land before. That there looks queer to me. Natiff Sons the real ones, like him are as scarce outside Calyforny as buffalo are right here in this coulee." "That's the way they do it, all right," Irish agreed. "And then they'll have a 'rodeo' "

The next morning as the rodéo outfit hustled out to pick up what cattle they could before they were scattered by the sheep, Jim Clark, tall, solemn-faced, and angular, rode by devious ways toward the eastern shoulder of the Four Peaks, where a distant clamor told of the great herds which mowed the mountain slopes like a thousand sickles.

I believe I'll have Manuel get me a riding outfit, if he will. Maybe I'll take you up on that rodeo proposition. Reckon your old don will give me a job?" "Won't cost a peso to find out," said Dade, coming out and standing beside him in the sun. "I've been talking to Manuel, and he thinks we'd better pull out right away.