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He faced the fact, which no good man can front without terror, that he was risking the support of his family, and for a point of pride, of honor, which perhaps he had no right to consider in view of the possible adversity. He realized, as every hireling must, no matter how skillfully or gracefully the tie is contrived for his wearing, that he belongs to another, whose will is his law.

For my part, I can easily enough imagine a man risking his life; but devoting it! that 's another thing altogether." "There maun be 'at wad du a' 't cud be dune, my lord." "What, for instance, would you do for Lady Florimel, now? You say you would die for her: what does dying mean on a fisherman's tongue?" "It means a' thing, my lord short o' ill. I wad sterve for her, but I wadna steal.

The third boat was fully a quarter of a mile behind the leaders. When they approached within a hundred yards a fire of musketry was opened. "Lie down under the bulwarks, men," Captain Martin said to the three sailors. "It is no use risking your lives unnecessarily. I expect one boat will come one side and one the other, Peters. If they do we will both take the one coming up on the port side.

The first time, Admiral D'Estaing with a strong fleet menaced New York and then Newport, the latter in conjunction with an American land force. But before each port he was foiled by the superior skill of Admiral Howe; and he finally withdrew without risking a battle, to the intense disgust of the Americans.

The Utilitarians contented themselves with sapping the fort instead of risking an open assault. If its defenders were blind to the obvious consequences of the procedure, so much the better. In private, there was obviously no want of plain speaking.

It would not take him so very long to make his way to the river, where, if he could not seize upon a boat, he might swim down to the island, risking the crocodiles; though, somewhat unnerved by his late adventure, he felt a shudder run through him at the recollection of the grip of the loathsome beast. Yes, he must get away, he said.

Rogers, who started with a young engineer to find a pass for the railroad over the Rocky mountains which would, on its discovery, make him famous. After their six days' provisions were all exhausted, Mr. Carroll, the young engineer, said: "It is all very well for you, but what shall I gain by risking my life and going on?" "Well," said Mr. Rogers, "let us go to that high plateau and think."

"One good turn deserves another, you know." "A little more power to your left foot, or you'll be in that ditch yet, Landy!" "Oh! Landy, does your mother know you're risking your precious old neck on that beaut of a wheel?" The fat scout did not cease his exertions until he had reached the place where his four chums sat on the fence.

H 's agent, who disposed of it at a handsome profit, though hardly sufficient, I thought, to warrant the risking of so valuable a ship as the Columbia. We lay in the port about a week, to effect the repairs rendered necessary by the Japanese gun practice. At Tientsin a war council was sitting, and one morning Mr.

The safety of the rest of the party did not seem to concern her. Mr. and Mrs. Jowett were there, having breakfasted an hour earlier than usual, thus risking the wrath of their cherished domestics. Mrs. Jowett was carrying a large box of chocolates as a parting gift to the boys, while Mr. Jowett had a bottle of lavender water for Jean.